Translation of "Hut" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Hut" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

I remembered being in that hut

Lembrei-me de estar naquela cabana

My mom took me into this hut.

a minha mãe levou-me para essa cabana.

I want to build a wooden hut.

Quero construir uma cabana de madeira.

There is a hut at the back of our house.

Tem uma cabana atrás da nossa casa.

Then she came back and walked away from us into a second hut.

Depois regressou e afastou-se de nós, foi para a segunda cabana.

The wall around the hut was made of human bones and on its top were skulls.

O muro ao redor da cabana era feito de ossos humanos e em sua parte superior havia caveiras.

When they entered the hut the cat was curled up on the floor. So they stroked her, and fed her with ham, and said to her: "Pussy-cat, grey pussy-cat, tell us how we are to get away from the witch?"

Quando eles entraram na cabana, o gato estava enroscado no chão. Então eles o acariciaram, alimentaram com presunto e lhe perguntaram: "Gatinho, gatinho cinzento, diga-nos: que devemos fazer para escapar da bruxa?"