Translation of "Survival" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Survival" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

And survival...


Dynamic moving or static survival?


Perspectives, wars, struggles, and survival stories.

ものの見方や紛争や苦難や 苦労話が詰まっています

Individual sacrifice ensures the colony's survival.

‎ミツバチは ‎命を犠牲にして巣を守る

The instinct for survival is innate.


The company is struggling for survival.


The explosion ruled out their survival.


We can try what's called "static survival",


I gave up all hope of survival.


If you wanna try dynamic survival, tap "Right".

移動型のサバイバルなら “右”をタップ

Nature provides them with the means of survival.


In circumstances suitable for its survival and well-being.

健全な生存に適した環境に 移らせるのである

This young pride’s survival depends on its lead lioness.

‎群れの運命を握るのは ‎頼れるメスだ

Air pollution will be a threat to our survival.


But we can't start until you choose the survival strategy.

でも君が作戦を選ぶのを 待つ時間はない

But we can't start until you choose a survival strategy.

君が作戦を選ぶのを 待つ時間はない

Every few minutes, there will be an important survival decision.

数分ごとに 重要な決断が必要になる

The instinct for survival is inherent in every living thing.


In Japan, another species is at the limit of its survival.

‎日本にも ‎必死に寒さと闘う動物がいる

[Bear] Part of survival is knowing when not to take unnecessary risks.

不必要なリスクを 取らないことが大事だ

That I had about a 35 percent chance of long-term survival.

私の長期生存率は 35%だと告げられました

We have learned much about survival from lower forms of animal life.


Great, there could be a lot of survival opportunities for us out there,

生き残るチャンスは たくさんあるだろう

If you wanna try static survival, press "Left" and then the "Okay" button.

滞留型のサバイバルなら “左”を押して“決定”

If you want to try dynamic survival, press "Right" and then the "Okay" button.

移動型のサバイバルなら “右”を押して“決定”

I wonder if keeping your head down and living safely is a survival instinct.


This is an example of the survival of the fittest, as it is called.


That would’ve been a deliberate act in order to gain it's own security and survival.

自分たちの安全確保と 生き残りのための行動だ

If you'd rather put your survival skills to the test in another part of the world,

次の世界で もっとスキルを試したいなら

Oh, I learned early on, in survival, never pass up the chance of a little protein hit.

俺は知ってる サバイバルでは少しの タンパク質も見逃せない