Translation of "Seals" in Japanese

0.016 sec.

Examples of using "Seals" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Seals sleep underwater.


Seals are more agile.


Unfortunately, the calories expended by the mother seals

残念ながら より遠くまで泳ぐために 母親のオットセイは

But seals are not the only hunters here.

‎だが他にも ‎狩りをする者がいる

Ringed seals haul out to rest in the morning glow.

‎朝焼けの中でくつろぐ ‎ワモンアザラシ

Has fitted a GPS tag on some of the mother seals,

GPS機能のあるタグを 母オットセイの

But at some point, the rest of the seals must feed.

‎だがオットセイも ‎生きるために狩りに出る

Where great whites are known to hunt seals using artificial light.

‎サメが人工の光を使い ‎オットセイを狩る場所だ

Once night falls, the seals should have a better chance of sneaking past.

‎夜のほうが‎― ‎オットセイは ‎安全に海を泳げる

Seals are used like this in Japan, but abroad signatures are the rule.


They may be closely related to fur seals, but they’re seven times the size.

‎同じアシカ科だが ‎大きさはオットセイの7倍だ

This tiny Island in Mossel Bay, South Africa, is home to 4,000 Cape fur seals.

‎南アフリカの ‎モッセルベイにある小島だ ‎ミナミアフリカオットセイが ‎4000頭 暮らす

Once beyond the city lights in the dark open ocean, the fur seals are safer.

‎街の明かりから離れ‎― ‎暗い外洋に出れば ‎オットセイは安全だ

As the sun sets, the fish that the seals feed on rise up from the depths.

‎夕暮れ時 ‎オットセイの餌となる魚が ‎海面近くに来る

Patterns of freeze-up and breakup influence the distribution and number of seals, the polar bear's main prey.


The seals surface more frequently then, so a bear's chance of catching one at a breathing hole is greater after nightfall.


Being active at night may relate to the behavior of seals, which feed at night on various fish that come up closer to the surface.
