Translation of "Printing" in Japanese

0.131 sec.

Examples of using "Printing" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

On bio-printing, as it's called, or organ printing.

いわゆるバイオプリンター 即ち臓器の印刷を研究しています

When was printing invented?

- 印刷術はいつ発明されましたか。
- 印刷術が発明されたのはいつですか?

Progressively introducing bio printing and organ printing for the medical practice.

バイオプリンターと臓器の印刷が 臨床導入された未来像なのです

3D printing is not a dream.

3Dプリンティングは もはや夢ではありません

3D printing helped reducing surgery time

それが3Dプリンティングで 手術の容易な進め方を確かめることで

With this technology, 3D printing enables--


Printing ink is in short supply.


3D printing is a process, a technology,

3Dプリンティングは その過程や技術のことです

His job has to do with printing.


And with 3D printing, a lot is happening.

3Dプリンティングの導入に際し 様々なことが起こっています

The printing business made Bill a small fortune.


The first printing machine was invented by Gutenberg.


He has done an acting course, a printing course,


You probably heard about 3D printing of 3D objects.

3次元の物体をプリントする 3Dプリントをご存知かもしれませんが

So Contour Crafting is basically scaling up 3D printing

「コンタークラフティング」は基本的に 3Dプリントをスケールアップし

Another thing is that 3D printing is actually saving lives.

他にも3Dプリンティングが 命を救った例があります

3D printing technology, it is a tool, a powerful tool.

3Dプリンティング技術は パワフルなツールです

Mistakes in the printing should be pointed out at once.


Why did you put off the printing of my book?


3D printing has a big impact on a lot of markets,

3Dプリンティングは 多くの市場 とくに医療業界で

Can 3D printing really be the rebirth of current medical practice?

3Dプリンティングは現在の 医療行為の再生となり得るのか?

96% worldwide of those hearing aids are produced by 3D printing?

96%が3Dプリンター製です ご存じでしたか?

3D printing is only one example. There are lots of others.

3Dプリンタがその一つの例で 他にもたくさんあります

What is 3D printing? Let me explain this to you a bit.

3Dプリンティングとは何か? 少し解説しましょう

3D printing may bring a solution when there is no other solution,

3Dプリンティングは 特に医療分野で

3D printing has enabled the reduction of surgery time for the medical practice

3Dプリンティングは臨床で 手術時間を短縮できました

Printing is extremely high quality, and  there’s also a range of framing options.


This textbook, having been printed in haste, has a lot of printing mistakes.


What 3D printing could do for this little boy was to provide an implant

そこで3Dプリンティングにより この子の気管に

Simply follow the instructions below, and in no time you will be printing full color documents just as easily and quickly as black and white.
