Translation of "Technology" in Japanese

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Technology" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Obsolete technology


technology, entertainment

テクノロジー エンターテインメント

technology and information.


Through digital technology,


Technology progresses steadily.


About introducing new technology.


Benefits from advanced technology.

最新テクノロジーから恩恵を 受けるというものです

So therefore, the technology

ですので この技術は

You can already think of this technology as a real production technology.

もうこの技術が現実の製造技術だと お分かりでしょう

A technology Sabbath every Sunday,

毎週日曜日は テクノロジーの休息日としています

Science, technology, engineering and math.

科学 技術 工学 数学といった STEM分野を学んでいます

But now, using new technology...


Armed with the latest technology,


Technology has differentiated our cultures.


Then Japan suddenly adopted new technology

でも突然やって来てですね こういう風にですね

As technology has developed over time,


With this technology, 3D printing enables--


Their illusions accomplish what technology cannot.

テクノロジーではできない魔法を 見せることができます

And the technology doesn't always work.


This is a third-generation technology.


Because technology itself forms the barrier

なぜなら 技術そのものが 真に進歩した文明が発展するうえでの

As our technology gets more advanced,


America is ahead in space technology.


Technology has given us immense power.


A revolution has occurred in technology.


Modern technology gives us many things.


Some say to solve it with technology.

この話は技術で解決しろっていう人が いるんですけど

As technology and information continue to spread,


3D printing is a process, a technology,

3Dプリンティングは その過程や技術のことです

They are interpreted by the technology itself,


That will be used for this technology.

この種の技術に 使用される物です

All of that agricultural innovation and technology


I think it's an exciting new technology


Technology that immerses us in augmented realities

過去の世界を 拡張現実として蘇らせ

Who is teaching them about digital technology


"This technology gave my daughter her smile."

「この技術は娘に 笑顔を与えてくれました」

Why didn't modern technology develop in China?


We live in the age of technology.

- 我々は科学技術の時代に住んでいる。
- 私たちはテクノロジーの時代に住んでいる。

That plane makes use of new technology.


Old people have difficulty understanding modern technology.


We are internationally competitive in production technology.


I believe that is a novel technology


In fact, it is already a production technology.

実はもう製造技術の ひとつなのです

Over the years, new technology has been introduced

何年にもわたって 新しいテクノロジーが

- it's not a technology invented two weeks ago -

―技術はごく最近の発明ではありませんが ―

When, where, with what technology and what materials?

いつ どこで どんな技術で どんな素材を利用するか

What we expect to offer with this technology,

私達が この技術により提供できると 期待している事は―

Contour Crafting as a disruptive technology will have


In fact, anything we currently do with technology

それどころか 現在のあらゆる技術が

We have the knowledge. We have the technology.

私達には知識があり 技術があります

What makes this technology in particular so dangerous?

この技術を特に 危険たらしめるのは何か?

One is the nature of the technology itself.

1つ目は 技術自体の特質です

But technology has started to ease this experience.

でも技術のおかげで 状況は改善しつつあります

I'm always excited when new technology comes out

新しい技術が生まれると いつも興奮しますし

About science, technology, the natural world, and history.


Some people argue that technology has negative effects.


A great revolution has taken place in technology.


Japan is highly competitive in high technology industries.


Modern technology has made our lives more comfortable.


So it's been advances in technology, such as MRI,


Of the everyday technology that we take for granted.

北朝鮮では驚くほどに 得難いものだったことに気付くのです

Aims at using the technology to build Lunar structures,

この技術を月面の構造物へ 利用しようとしています 例えば―

I thought back to the evolution of the technology


The artificial intelligence technology of the future will be.

来るべき未来の人工知能技術に 力を注いできました

Developing a level of technology more advanced than ours,

私達よりもずっと先進の 技術を開発していて

Using new technology, we can see into the blackness.

‎最先端の技術が ‎暗闇の世界を映し出す technology... allows us to reveal rarely seen creatures...

‎最先端の技術が珍しい生物の ‎夜の姿を映し出す

Man hopes to master nature with science and technology.


Technology is in itself meaningless unless it serves mankind.


It's essentially a quadcopter, with a built-in technology

プロペラそのものの 角度が変わる技術を

A whole generation of new technology was being developed


- I don't think that technology provides us with everything we need.
- I don't think technology provides us with everything we need.


West Germany used the power of TV and radio technology

テレビの力やラジオの テクノロジーを使って

Is that today there is a lot of technology involved.

現在は多くのテクノロジーが 導入されています

3D printing technology, it is a tool, a powerful tool.

3Dプリンティング技術は パワフルなツールです

The real question with this technology especially, would be actually

特にこの技術の 本当の課題は

And think about how that's informing the technology we're creating

また それらが私たちのテクノロジーに どのように情報を供与するかを考え

And we also see how technology can lead to problems.

同時に そうした技術が引き起こす 問題もあります

"Appropriating Minecraft as an Assistive Technology for Youth with Autism."

題して「自閉症児の支援技術としての マインクラフトの活用」です

[Bear] In the wild, you can't always depend on technology.

自然界では 技術ばかりには頼れない

For me, this is the real power of this technology.

これこそ この技術の力だと 私は思います

"Facebook is not a media company; it's a technology company."

「フェイスブックはメディア企業でなく テクノロジー企業です」

Now, using the technology created by the Google Maps team,

Google マップのテクノロジーを使って

Technology will make a lot of progress in the nineties.


Old people have difficulty understanding new technology of the time.
