Translation of "Preposition relative" in Japanese

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Preposition relative" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

However, the preposition+relative pronoun (which) part becomes a relative adverb (where).


You can omit the preposition in this phrase.


Supply is relative to demand.


Relative pronouns perform as 'conjunction + pronoun'.


He is my only living relative.


Did you sleep in relative peace tonight?


Tom is a distant relative of mine.


I consulted him relative to the subject.


In English there are eight main parts of speech: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction and finally interjection.

英語には8つの主な品詞があります: 名詞、動詞、形容詞、副詞、代名詞、前置詞、接続詞そして感嘆詞。

Listen to the facts relative to the issue.


The words 'beautiful' and 'ugly' are relative terms.


Week 13: Learn about absolute, and relative, motion.


Relative to overall sales, that of software is insignificant.


A close neighbor is better than a distant relative.

- 遠くの親戚より近くの他人。
- 遠い親戚より近くの他人。
- 遠くの親類より近くの他人。

Despite her appearance, she's actually a distant relative of ours.

‎外見は違うが‎― ‎人間とは遠縁にあたる

The problem quoted isn't one, but there are problems in the reading section that ask you to distinguish relative pronouns from relative adverbs.


An orphan at three, he was brought up by a distant relative.


A stranger living nearby is better than a relative living far away.

- 遠くの親戚より近くの他人。
- 遠い親戚より近くの他人。

One of the greatest hurdles facing middle school students learning English is relative pronouns.


I have a new relative: my sister got married, so now I have a brother-in-law.

- 新しい親戚ができたよ。姉が結婚して、義兄ができたんだ。
- 新しい親戚ができたんだ。姉が結婚して、それで義理の兄ができたんだ。

We have a saying to the effect that a good neighbor is better than a faraway relative.


The relative pronoun 'that' has two states, a nominative case and objective case, but there is no possessive case.


- A good neighbour is better than a brother far off.
- A close neighbor is better than a distant relative.

- 遠くの兄弟より、良き隣人。
- 遠くの親戚より近くの他人。
- 遠い親戚より近くの他人。
- 遠くの親類より近くの他人。

"Ah, y-yes ... Sorry, Coz." "Hey! You might be my relative but here I'm your senior and a doctor. Keep things straight while you're in the hospital!"


Then, while saying this, the memories of the men who had seduced her, her husband's colleague who had approached her as if it were a joke, the section chief with whom she had held hands, her relative who she had tried to kiss while she was drunk, shined as if projected upon a broken mirror.
