Translation of "Ney’s " in Japanese

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Examples of using "Ney’s " in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Destroy Ney’s Sixth Corps near Guttstadt.


It was typical of Ney’s lack of restraint.


Napoleon knew Ney’s worth in battle, and that the army adored him...


Jomini, Ney’s talented chief of staff,  drove him to defect to the Russians.

に対する彼の衒学的な復讐 は、彼をロシア人に逃亡させた。 ベルティエはまた、

Ney’s corps took over as rearguard,  but when he became cut off at Krasny,  


There had already been signs that Ney’s aggressive instinct, which made him a brilliant

。 ネイの攻撃的な本能が彼を素晴らしい 戦術的リーダーに したという兆候がすでにあり、それ

The winter manoeuvring culminated in the horrific Battle of Eylau, which Ney’s corps reached

冬の機動は、 暗闇が落ちたとき に のみ ネイの軍隊が到達した恐ろしいアイラウの戦いで最高潮に達しました

But Ney’s fury at what he considered Masséna’s disastrous leadership boiled over into open

。 しかし、マセナの悲惨なリーダーシップと彼が考えたものに対するネイの怒りは、

Berthier had none of Murat’s glamour, nor Ney’s  heroism, nor the tactical instincts of Davout.


Ney’s corps missed the Battle of Austerlitz, but was in action against the Prussians the

。 ネイの軍隊はアウステルリッツの戦いを逃したが、 翌年に

Ney’s courage that day was awe-inspiring, but his decisions helped to cause the French

その日のネイの勇気は畏敬の念を起こさせました、しかし彼の決定はフランスの 敗北

Five of Ney’s fellow Marshals were among a large majority who voted for the death penalty.
