Translation of "Hundreds" in Japanese

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Hundreds" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

We trained hundreds of hundreds of people for advanced manufacturing.

何百人という人に 先進的製造技術を教えました

Hundreds of thousands of them.


She has hundreds of books.


- Hundreds of buffaloes moved toward the lake.
- Hundreds of cattle went to the lake.


We put hundreds of steps together


Behind me were hundreds of battles:

これは 多くの戦闘の模様です

I have had hundreds of encounters.

これまでに 何百人もの人と会ってきました

There were literally hundreds of them.


There were hundreds of people there.


See, hundreds of thousands of years ago,


Costing hundreds of millions of dollars each,


Hundreds of miniature groundskeepers... up all night...

‎たくさんの小さな庭師たち ‎彼らは徹夜で働く

Hundreds of people work in this factory.


Hundreds of people were on the spot.


We have hundreds of records in stock.


I caught sight of hundreds of birds.


This river extends for hundreds of miles.


Hundreds of buffaloes moved toward the lake.


And so are hundreds of thousands of artists

お伝えしようと思い メールを差し上げました

Hundreds of boys are playing in the ground.


The church was built hundreds of years ago.


There are hundreds of books in his study.

- 彼の勉強の本は何百とあります。
- 彼の書斎には何百冊という本が有る。

There were hundreds of cars on the street.


There were hundreds of birds on the lake.


Hundreds of fields were submerged in the flood.


Strictly speaking, Chinese consists of hundreds of dialects.


The ship carried hundreds of immigrants to America.


Developing video games for hundreds of millions of users,

休まずに働き ビデオゲームを開発してきました

These tiny bats migrate hundreds of kilometers each year,

‎この小さなコウモリは ‎開花の時期に合わせて‎―

And there are hundreds of smart nudges like this.


To the man who could rally hundreds or thousands.

何百人または何千人を笑わせる男に なれるかもしれません

Hundreds of people were waiting outside the ticket office.


The ship carried hundreds of emigrants to the US.


Eh? Hundreds of thousands of Yen plus betrothal gifts?


Not to mention the hundreds of years before that.


We spend hundreds of millions of dollars, globally, every year

毎年 世界で何億ドルものお金が

My Instagram started to get hundreds of thousands of followers,

私のインスタグラムは 何十万というフォロワーがつき

Only hundreds of people today get to be sports announcers.

今はスポーツ実況者になれるのは ほんの何百人かで

Dozens of species, hundreds of frogs, all gather to mate.

‎多種多様な数百匹のカエルが ‎繁殖のために集まる

Because of this, Koko can understand hundreds of spoken words.


Hundreds of people called or wrote to the Gorilla Foundation.


Hundreds of people have starved to death in that district.


At 10 o'clock yesterday, there were hundreds of people outside.


In sub-Saharan Africa, there are hundreds of millions of people


And why do hundreds of millions of people around the world

そして なぜ何億という人々が

But there's hundreds of millions of people watching from home anyway,

何億という異星人が それを家で見ていて

A young person can have hundreds of friends on social media,


Trawlers can scoop up hundreds of tons in a single trip.

‎トロール船は一度の漁で ‎数百トンを捕獲する

The police have made hundreds of drug busts across the country.


It's just hundreds of feet. There's no way to get down this.

何メートルもある 下りることはムリだ

There were hundreds of taxis at the airport, all touting for business.


There were hundreds of taxis at the airport, all vying for customers.


We've coached hundreds of people on how to make real career decisions.

実際に 数百人もの仕事選びの コーチングを行ったことです

There are hundreds of different words that products use for the word "sugar."

食品に使われている「砂糖」を 意味する言葉は山ほどあるんです

Some of whom have made millions, if not hundreds of millions of dollars.

超億万長者とまでいかなくても 億万長者の方々です

RH: It's a couple hundred million, I don't know exactly how many hundreds,

(リード)数億ドルですよ 実際の額は覚えていませんが

This female firefly squid is migrating hundreds of meters up from the abyss.

‎このメスのホタルイカは‎― ‎深海から数百メートル ‎浮上してきた

Every year, hundreds of people come to harvest these treasures from the deep.

‎毎年 多くの人々が ‎この海の宝石を捕りに来る

Thousands of his new conscripts surrendered or deserted; hundreds were driven into the

何千人もの彼の新しい徴兵が降伏または放棄されました。数百人が 川自体に

Literally hundreds of studies on RFT and close to 1,000 studies on ACT.

RFTでは数百件の ACTでは1000件に近い論文があります

I pored over hundreds of research papers from front to back at my office.

自分の事務所に何百もの論文を集め ぎっしりと並べました

Their history section has hundreds of titles covering everything from early man and prehistory..

ます。 彼らの歴史のセクションには、初期の人間や先史時代 から世界大戦まで、そしてそれ以降の

I would love to write hundreds of sentences on Tatoeba, but I've got things to do.

- タトエバのサイトに百文を書きたいが、することがありますよ。
- Tatoebaで何百個とたくさん文を書きたいが、私にはしなければならないことがある。

Some species gradually develop elaborate repertoires of dozens or even hundreds of variants of a basic song.


How does it happen that you were not eaten up with all those hundreds and trillions of cats?


The Sphinx had eaten hundreds of people on their way to the city of Thebes, because they could not answer the riddle the cunning Sphinx had asked them.


The parallel with English becomes even more striking when we realize that Latin continued to be used for many hundreds of years more as the world's first "international language."


We come from hundreds of ethnic and language backgrounds, yet we are united by common goals. Above all, we want to honor Jehovah, the God of the Bible and the Creator of all things. We do our best to imitate Jesus Christ and are proud to be called Christians. Each of us regularly spends time helping people learn about the Bible and God’s Kingdom. Because we witness, or talk, about Jehovah God and his Kingdom, we are known as Jehovah’s Witnesses.
