Translation of "Firefly" in Japanese

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Firefly" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

It's a firefly.

- それは蛍だよ。
- 蛍だね。

The Japanese consider firefly squid a delicacy.

‎日本ではホタルイカは ‎大切なごちそうだ

Have you ever even seen a firefly?


The firefly was eaten by a toad.


Firefly squid make their own light, using special cells called photophores.

‎ホタルイカは発光器を使い ‎自ら発光している

This female firefly squid is migrating hundreds of meters up from the abyss.

‎このメスのホタルイカは‎― ‎深海から数百メートル ‎浮上してきた