Translation of "Female" in Japanese

0.049 sec.

Examples of using "Female" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

A female.


Another female.


[female narrator] Darkness...


[female narrator] Cities.


He wanted female companionship.


With female genital mutilation, FGM.

女性器切除 (FGM)にまつわる 個人的な物語です

There's a female close by.


The female gets the message.


The male and the female.


I keep a female cat.


I'm a female office worker.


Koko is a female gorilla.


I have a female cat.


About what female genital mutilation was


We know it's the female, right?


[female narrator] The sea at night...


I am the only female driver.

この中にですね 女性は 私一人しかいません

The suspect is a caucasian female.


Is that dog male or female?

- あの犬はオスかメスか。
- あの犬って、オスなの?それともメス?

The female puma now has the advantage.


Each female can have over 100 pups.

‎1匹のメスが ‎100匹以上産むことも

A person is either male or female.


Just look at that female over there.


My older sister is a female ninja.


And I joined their female genital mutilation program


Of the different types of female genital mutilation,


Here you see a male and a female.


Except for when the female is in heat.


Ignorance about the female body goes back centuries.

女性の体についての無知は 何世紀にも遡るもので

But medical ignorance of the female body continues.

でも医学は女性の体について 未だに無知なのです

But then, Peggy Whitson, the first female commander,

そんな時 初の女性ISSコマンダーである ペギー・ウィットソンが

Just what female turtles have been waiting for.

‎メスのウミガメは ‎この時を待っていた

This female could grow over ten meters long.

‎メスは ‎体長10メートルにもなる

A female is cut off from the others.


For instance, a female patient with breast cancer

例えば 乳がんの女性患者は

The socialist was accompanied by a female interpreter.


Taro doesn't seem to have any female friends.

- 太郎君は女友達がいないようです。
- 太郎には女友達はいないみたいね。

I've tried to represent the diversity of female bodies

ステレオタイプを通じて 女性の肉体の多様性を

Because being a female is all she's ever known.

女性として生きる人生が 彼女が知っている全てだから

Something we think of today as female genital mutilation

これは現代 女性器割礼と 呼ばれている行為です

The youngster tries to get close to the female.

‎若いオスも懸命に ‎メスに近づく

The isolated female lost her battle with the lions.

‎孤立したメスは ‎ライオンの餌食に

Female hormone imbalance is a major cause of infertility.


The women led the movement to obtain female suffrage.


A female kangaroo carries its young in the pouch.


That teacher tends to be partial to female students.


Why are there differences between the male and the female?


The young professor is the idol of the female students.


Role-Language includes male and female collective nouns in Japanese.


- Mary is a woman's name.
- Mary is a female name.


Mrs. Barrett will become the fifth female Supreme Court justice.


The thing is, female sexuality can't be fixed with a pill.

でも本当は 女性のセクシュアリティは 薬を飲んで治せるものではないのです

Only 16 percent of the teachers of this school are female.


It'd be best if a few more female singers could come.


- I have three dogs; one is male and the others are female.
- I have three dogs. One is male and the other two are female.


The female tends to choose a male that best sings her duet.

メスはデュエットの一番上手いオスを 相手に選ぶ傾向があります

Led by the oldest female, the herd keep the little ones moving.

‎年長のメスが率いる群れは ‎子供を見守りつつ進む

Until Manet painted this picture, his female nudes were limited to goddesses.


A female beggar was begging with five or six children following along.


- My older sister is a female ninja.
- My sister is a kunoichi.


Is it normal for male teachers to make eyes at female students?


At Nagoya university it's tradition for the female students to be unlawful.


And we see who are the most ferocious, the male or the female?

一番 獰猛なのは オスかメスか わかりますよね?

This female firefly squid is migrating hundreds of meters up from the abyss.

‎このメスのホタルイカは‎― ‎深海から数百メートル ‎浮上してきた

Mrs. Bruce was the first female pilot to fly between England and Japan.


If a woman masturbates, she will secrete female hormones and become more feminine.


My wife started to work as a female reporter for the newspaper Yomiuri.


Far safer to lure a female to him. But he needs to sound impressive.

‎メスを呼ぶほうが安全だ ‎魅力的な声で呼ぶ

Do you think a male Gemini would get on well with a female Pisces?


That said, I am learning a lot about what it means to be a female,

とはいえ 私は女性であることの 意味について学ぶと同時に

- It seems that Taro doesn't have any girlfriends.
- Taro doesn't seem to have any female friends.


- Tens of male and female students were drawing a lone - completely nude - male model standing on a platform.
- Dozens of male and female students were drawing a lone, completely nude male model standing on a platform.

- 男女数十人の研究生が、モデル台に立つた一人の男を――丸裸の男を写生してゐた。
- 男女数十人の研究生が、モデル台に立った一人の男を――丸裸の男を写生していた。

The authors state quite categorically that the female members of only a small number of species also sing.


The separate names used for female nurses "kangofu" and male nurses "kangoshi", were unified in 2002 into "kangoshi".


The female singer that you were in love with when you were a child has died of cancer.


I want to play a game where a noble female knight with the nickname "Light-Speed" freely manipulates gravity.


I heard that there were female snow spirits in Echigo, but I don't know whether it's true or not.


This movement has not yet achieved all its goals, but it has already had considerable impact in many areas of male-female relations.


The debuts of groups of South Korean female singers are on the rise in Japan. Japanese singers can't afford to let their guards down.


- A woman friend of ours took a trip to a small town last week.
- A female friend of ours took a trip to a small village last week.


The "People's Choice" award, by public polling, was announced again this year and Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts were selected as the most popular male, and female, film actors.


One problem is how the enterprises arrange posts for excellent female students, but another important point is whether the educational industry can grow and supply creative students needed for Japan's future.


- That's not what I meant. I'm not being sexist. Men and women are just different.
- That's not what I mean. Sex discrimination, female discrimination, whatever, men and women are just different.


I saw some English female soldiers in yesterday night's news reel. For some, you couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman, but the majority were rather feminine, and it didn't feel that grotesque.

- 私は昨夜ニユース映画で英国の女兵隊といふものをみたが、なかには男か女かわからないやうなのもゐたけれども、大部分は、なかなか女らしいところがあつて、しかもさうグロテスクな感じはしなかつた。
- 私は昨夜ニュース映画で英国の女兵隊というものをみたが、なかには男か女かわからないようなのもいたけれども、大部分は、なかなか女らしいところがあって、しかもそうグロテスクな感じはしなかった。

- "Why are you grinning like that?" "That female high-school student I just passed by was really cute."
- "Why are you grinning?" "The high school girls we just passed are really cute."
- "Why are you grinning like that?""That high school girl we just passed is really cute."


"I went drinking with one of my boyfriend's friends, and now he's furious at me." "Was this friend a guy or a girl?" "A guy, obviously. Why would I go drinking with his female friends?" "Yeah, you're right." "His name is Tom. He's really hot, and I really want to go drinking with him again."
