Translation of "Episode" in Japanese

0.018 sec.

Examples of using "Episode" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Choose "Replay Episode."


Choose "Next episode."


If so, choose "Replay Episode".


If so, choose "Replay Episode."


I'll never forget my first episode.

最初に症状が出た時のことは 忘れられません

The touching episode came home to me.


She entertained us with an interesting episode.


I didn't watch Star Wars episode 1.


If you're up for the challenge, choose "Replay Episode",

挑戦するなら “リプレイ”をどうぞ

If you're up for the challenge, choose "Replay Episode".

挑戦するなら “リプレイ”をどうぞ

- Seriously though, episode 21 made me almost cry while laughing.
- Seriously though, episode 21 made me laugh so hard I almost cried.


Seriously though, episode 21 made me almost cry while laughing.


Where in the very first episode of the very first season,


If so, choose "Replay Episode." Remember, it's completely up to you.

それなら“リプレイ”だ いいか 全ては君しだいだ

Choose "Next Episode". Okay, so you wanna tie-off to this rock?

“次のエピソード”だ 岩に巻きつけたいのか?

And, if you're ready for a brand new mission, choose "Next Episode."

次への用意ができたら “次のエピソード”

And if you wanna launch into a new mission, choose "Next Episode."

次の任務を始めたいなら “次のエピソード”を

But if you wanna start over from the beginning, choose "Replay Episode".

最初からやり直すなら “リプレイ”を

Seriously though, episode 21 made me laugh so hard I almost cried.


Each episode of that TV drama ends with somebody delivering a profound line.


And if you think you're ready for a brand new mission, choose "Next Episode."

次への準備が出来たら “次のエピソード”を

But if you're ready to test your skills on a new mission, choose "Next Episode".

新しい任務で スキルを試すなら “次のエピソード”を

But if you're ready to test your skills on a new mission, choose "Next Episode".

新しい任務で スキルを試すなら “次のエピソード”を

But if you wanna start this mission over and hunt for more creatures, choose "Replay Episode".

やり直して もっと生き物を探すなら “リプレイ”だ

He was robbed, and spent days in agony in a filthy hospital – an episode that may

彼は強盗に遭い、不潔な病院で何日も苦しみました 。これは、ソウルトが後に正面からリードすることを躊躇した

But if you think there might have been a better route from the start, choose "Replay Episode".

もっといいルートが あると思うなら “リプレイ”を

I hate it when I work late and end up missing an episode of a show I'm following.


If you want to give it a try and see what other challenges are out there, choose '"Replay Episode."

もう1度試して 他の挑戦も見てみたいなら “リプレイ”をどうぞ

If you want to go back to where we started and take a different path to find that plane wreckage, choose "Replay Episode".

最初に戻り違う道を通って― 残がいを捜したいなら “リプレイ”だ

But since we're back at the airport, we could start our mission over. So, if you want to get back into the sky, choose "Replay Episode".

空港に戻ったから また始めてもいい 空に戻りたいなら “リプレイ”をどうぞ

I used to watch this anime a lot when I was a kid, but I can't quite remember what happened to the hero in the final episode.


"Hey, what happened in the final episode of 'Tom and Mary'?" "They broke up, in the end. It was really bittersweet." "Oh my! And after being so deeply in love!"

「ねえねえ、『トムとメアリー』の最終回どうなった?」「結局別れちゃったの。まじ切なかった」「えー! あんなに深く愛し合ってたのに」