Translation of "Basically" in Japanese

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Basically" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Our solution, basically,


You're flying, basically.


- I believe men are basically good.
- I believe people are basically good.


This here report basically concludes


Wholesale prices are basically flat.


I basically like your plan.


To basically become a state witness.


Where everyone there basically has phones,


So basically, we may be tired,

つまり 一般的に 私たち女性は 疲労感があっても

And they were basically having fun.

何より 仕事を楽しんでいました

Basically, I agree with your opinion.


He is basically a nice man.


I basically prefer being by myself.


I believe men are basically good.


These two are basically the same.


So basically, knowing your sport inside out,


Is basically sent to the machine directly.

基本的に直接 マシンに送信されます

Here's another example, how you do that basically

この思考がどう行われるか もう一つ例を挙げます

You're basically saying you don't have a life.


So, I basically called in sick to work,


Is that, basically, these stars have a voice,


I stopped watching porn for two reasons basically.

私がポルノを見るのをやめたのは 主に2つの理由からです

That basically means that all your dating history

要点を言うと あなたの利用履歴と関連事項すべてが

Half of the centers basically we just observed,

産院センターの半分は 観察しただけでしたが

Basically, sometimes when she would go to speak,

時々 妻が話をしようとすると

And it is basically impossible to escape from them.


SPECT basically tells us three things about the brain:

SPECTは基本的には 脳の3つの状態を教えてくれます

So Contour Crafting is basically scaling up 3D printing

「コンタークラフティング」は基本的に 3Dプリントをスケールアップし

And basically the way we've always told the show --

ドラマの作り方としては 基本的に

Algorithms are basically stepwise recipes telling you what to do.

アルゴリズムとは要するに 段階的な処理方法の事で 行動を指示します

Basically, the only expense for data processing should be electricity.

そもそもデータプロセシングコストというのは 電気代なんですけれども

Basically, he couldn't breath. This was happening again and again.

そもそも呼吸ができず これを何度も繰り返し

Basically, this is a people-powered version of the internet.

基本的に これは民衆によって支えられた インターネットなのです

Can we then basically put them into a new building,

そして解体過程で 建材の価値を損なうことなく

Not bad for something that basically comes from the backyard.

基本的に裏庭で採れるものとしては 悪くありません

We were basically able to boil all math down to


Permalinks are basically links to items like posts, comments, etc.


Which basically means that if you earn 50,000 dollars a year

要するにもしあなたの収入が 年間5万ドルで

Basically, I'm asking you to find an Ingolf in your life,

あなたのインゴルフを 見つけてください

Tragically, North Korea is still basically one big Valley of the Clueless,

悲劇的な事に 北朝鮮は未だに ひとつの大きな "無知の谷" なのです

Basically I like short poems. Among them this poem was my favourite.


But, basically you just dig in, use you hands, it shouldn't take long.

手で掘るんだ 時間はかからないよ

But, basically you just dig in, use your hands, it shouldn't take long.

手で掘るんだ 時間はかからないよ

And he forced me, basically, to practice for hours and hours every single day.

何時間も何時間も 毎日欠かさず 練習を強いられました

It basically says, "Stay away from me." Which is exactly what we're gonna do.

“離(はな)れろ”ってな そうすべきだ

She's basically clumsy so ... I guess she looks up to that sort of thing.


I think customers are basically selfish but if it (their selfishness)continues then it is unbearable.


This game is basically designed for use with keyboard and gamepad but configuration can only be done by mouse.
