Translation of "Concern" in Hungarian

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Concern" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

- It's not my concern.
- It isn't my concern.

Engem nem érint.

Don't concern yourself.

Ne foglalkozz magaddal!

- That's not my concern.
- It's no concern of mine.

Nem az én problémám.

So here's my concern.

Íme, az én gondom.

I appreciate your concern.

- Elismerem a gondját.
- Méltányolom az aggodalmát.
- Elismerem a gondodat.
- Méltányolom az aggodalmadat.
- Nagyra értékelem az aggodalmát.

That's not my concern.

Ez nem az én gondom.

I understand your concern.

Megértem aggodalmadat.

This doesn't concern you.

Ez nem a te asztalod.

It doesn't concern you.

Ez nem tartozik rád.

This really doesn't concern you.

- Ehhez tényleg semmi közöd.
- Ez tényleg nem a te dolgod.

What exactly is your concern?

Mi is pontosan a bajod?

Safety is the primary concern.

A biztonság az első.

What does it concern you?

Hol érint ez tégedet?

Your problems don't concern me.

A problémáid nem érintenek engem.

Religion? That's no concern of mine.

Vallás? Nem sok vizet zavar.

His behavior is my primary concern.

- Magatartása a legfőbb gondom.
- Viselkedése a legfőbb gondom.

He said that doesn't concern him.

Azt mondta, nem tartozik rá.

Born from my concern for our environment.

ami környezettudatos szemléletemből fakadt.

Excessive concern with safety can be dangerous.

Veszélyes lehet, ha túl sokat törődünk a biztonsággal.

I guess that must be his main concern.

Szerintem ez a legnagyobb problémája.

- It's none of my business!
- This doesn't concern me.

Ez nem tartozik rám.

One common concern is that bilingualism slows language-learning down.

Az egyik általános felfogás szerint a kétnyelvűség lelassítja a nyelvtanulást.

- This doesn't concern me.
- I didn't have anything to do.

Semmi közöm hozzá.

- Does not matter to me.
- That really doesn't concern me.

Ehhez tényleg semmi közöm.

- This doesn't concern me.
- This is none of my business!

Ez engem nem érint.

The first principle of accounting is the principle of going concern.

Az első számviteli alapelv a vállalkozás folytatásának elve.

And so it should be of intense concern to all of us

Ennek heves aggodalmat kell kiváltania mindannyiunkból,

Why did you interfere in an affair that did not concern you at all?

- Miért folysz bele olyan dologba, ami egyáltalán nem tartozik rád?
- Miért avatkozol bele egy olyan ügybe, amihez semmi közöd sincs?
- Miért ütöd bele az orrodat abba az ügybe, amivel egyáltalán nincs semmi dolgod?

- It's none of my business!
- It's no concern of mine.
- It's not my business.

Ez nem az én ügyem.

- There's no reason to worry.
- There's no cause for alarm.
- There's no reason for concern.

- Nincs ok az aggodalomra.
- Semmi ok az aggodalomra.

- What I'm going to do doesn't concern you.
- What I'm going to do is none of your business.

- Hogy én mit fogok tenni, nem tartozik rád.
- Az, hogy én mit teszek majd, az nem tartozik rád.

- What does that have to do with you?
- What does it concern you?
- What's that got to do with you?

Mit érdekel az téged?

- That's not my concern.
- That's not my problem.
- That isn't my problem.
- This is not my problem.
- It's not my problem.

- Ez nem az én gondom.
- Ez nem az én problémám.
- Ez nem az én bajom.

- It's none of your business.
- That has nothing to do with you.
- This has nothing to do with you.
- None of your business.
- That's none of your business.
- This is none of your business.
- It doesn't concern you.
- That doesn't concern you.
- This doesn't involve you.
- This isn't about you.

Ez nem tartozik rád.

- It's none of your business.
- That is no business of yours.
- None of your business.
- That's none of your business.
- This is none of your business.
- That's none of your concern.

Ez nem a te dolgod.