Translation of "Lore" in French

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Examples of using "Lore" in a sentence and their french translations:

Man hat so 'ne Lore hin- und hergeschoben,

Man hat so 'ne Lore hin- und hergeschoben,

And here I stand, with all my lore, poor fool, no wiser than before.

Me voici pauvre fou maintenant et pas plus sage qu'auparavant.

"But hence, and seek the palace of the queen. / Glad news I bear thee, of thy comrades brought, / the North-wind shifted and the skies serene; / thy ships have gained the harbour which they sought, / else vain my parents' lore the augury they taught."

" Déjà pour vous le ciel m'annonce un sort plus doux ; / et si, par mes parents instruite dès l'enfance, / des augures sacrés j'ai quelque connaissance, / votre flotte est sauvée, et vos amis perdus / a vos embrassements seront bientôt rendus. "

- There was an ancient city; the Tyrian settlers held it: Carthage, standing afar opposite Italy and the mouths of the Tiber, rich in trade and very harsh in the study of war. Juno is said to have valued this one city more than all lands, even above Samos.
- There stood a city, fronting far away / the mouths of Tiber and Italia's shore, / a Tyrian settlement of olden day, / rich in all wealth, and trained to war's rough lore, / Carthage the name, by Juno loved before / all places, even Samos.

À l'opposé du Tibre et des champs d'Ausonie, / des riches Tyriens heureuse colonie, / Carthage élève aux cieux ses superbes remparts, / séjour de la fortune et le temple des arts. / Aucun lieu pour Junon n'eut jamais tant de charmes : / Samos lui plaisait moins.