Translation of "Are" in Finnish

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Are" in a sentence and their finnish translations:

- People are stupid.
- People are silly.
- Humans are silly.

Ihmiset ovat tyhmiä.

- Are you asleep?
- Are you sleeping?
- Are they sleeping?

- Nukutko?
- Nukutsä?

- Are you joking, or are you serious?
- Are you kidding, or are you serious?

- Pilailetko vai oletko tosissasi?
- Vitsailetko vai oletko vakavissasi?

- Are you sure?
- Are you sure about this?
- Are you certain?
- Are you safe?

Oletko varma?

- Are you sure?
- Are you sure about this?
- Are you certain?
- Are you positive?

Oletko varma?

- There you are.
- There you are!

Siinähän sinä olet!

- Are you sure?
- Are you certain?

- Oletko varma?
- Oletko ihan varma?

- Are you hurt?
- Are you injured?

Oletko loukkaantunut?

- Are you mad?
- Are you crazy?

Oletko hullu?

- Are you crazy?
- Are you nuts?

- Oletko hullu?
- Oletko sinä hullu?

- Are you mad?
- Are you angry?

Oletko vihainen?

- They are teachers.
- They are professors.

- He ovat luennoitsijoita.
- He ovat professoreja.
- He ovat lehtoreita.

- Are you asleep?
- Are you sleeping?

- Nukutko?
- Nukutko sinä?
- Nukukko sää?
- Oletko nukkumassa?
- Oletko sinä nukkumassa?
- Oletteko nukkumassa?
- Oletteko te nukkumassa?

- We are doomed.
- We are doomed!

Me olemme tuhon omia.

Are you okay? Are you stressed?

Onko sinulla kaikki ihan hyvin? Oletko jotenkin stressaantunut?

- Are you awake?
- Are you up?

Ooksä hereil?

- Courgettes are green.
- Zucchinis are green.

- Kesäkurpitsat ovat vihreitä.
- Zucchinit ovat vihreitä.

- Are you sick?
- Are you ill?

Oletko sairas?

- Are you sure?
- Are you sure about this?
- Are you certain?

Oletko varma?

- Are you in jest or in earnest?
- Are you joking, or are you serious?
- Are you kidding, or are you serious?

- Pilailetko vai oletko tosissasi?
- Vitsailetko vai oletko vakavissasi?

- Are they here?
- Are you in?
- Are you here?
- Is she there?
- Is he there?
- Are they there?
- Are they in?

Oletko siellä?

They are?

He ovat?

- Are you single?
- Are you a bachelor?

Oletko sinä sinkku?

- Are you serious?
- Are you being serious?

Oletteko vakavissanne?

- Are you at home?
- Are you home?

Oletteko te kotona?

"Whose pens are these?" "They are Tom's."

"Kenen kyniä nämä ovat?" "Ne ovat Tomin."

"Whose cats are these?" "They are Fatima's."

”Kenen kissoja nämä ovat?” ”Ne ovat Fatiman.”

Those who are present are all Japanese.

Ne jotka ovat läsnä, ovat kaikki japanilaisia.

- Are you crying?
- Are you guys crying?

Itketkö sinä?

- Are you blushing?
- Are you turning red?

- Punastutko sinä?
- Punasteletko sinä?

- Are you listening?
- Are you paying attention?

Kuunteletko sinä?

These are boys and those are girls.

Nämä ovat poikia ja nuo ovat tyttöjä.

Shoes are stiff when they are new.

Uusina kengät ovat jäykät.

- Are you vegetarian?
- Are you a vegetarian?

- Oletko kasvissyöjä?
- Ooksä kasvissyöjä?

- Are you in pain?
- Are you suffering?

Onko sinulla kipuja?

Humans are healed, but machines are repaired.

Ihmiset parannetaan, mutta koneet korjataan.

- Bacteria are microscopic organisms.
- Bacteria are microorganisms.

Bakteerit ovat mikroskooppisen pieniä eliöitä.

"Are you a vegetarian?" - "No, are you?"

"Oletko vegetariaani?" - "En, oletko sinä?"

Are you joking, or are you serious?

- Pilailetko vai oletko tosissasi?
- Vitsailetko vai oletko vakavissasi?

- Are you American?
- Are you an American?

Oletko sinä amerikkalainen?

These are my books; those are his.

Nämä ovat minun kirjani, nuo ovat hänen.

- Are you Canadian?
- Are you a Canadian?

- Oletko kanadalainen?
- Oletko sinä kanadalainen?

Are you buying or are you selling?

Ostatko vai myytkö?

- Where are you?
- Where are you guys?

Missä te olette?

- You are wrong.
- You guys are wrong.

Olette väärässä.

- Are you mad?
- Are you crazy?
- Are you out of your mind?

Oletko hullu?

- Hi! How are you?
- Hi, how are you?
- Hi. How are you?

- Terve, mitä kuuluu?
- Hei! Mitä kuuluu?
- Moi! Miten menee?

- Are you ready?
- Have you finished?
- Are you finished?
- Are you done?

- Oletko valmis?
- Oletko sinä valmis?

- What direction are you going?
- Where are you heading?
- Where are you headed?

Mihin suuntaan olet menossa?

- Are you still feeling sick?
- Are you still nauseous?
- Are you still sick?

Vieläkö on huono olo?

- Tom, are you okay?
- Are you OK, Tom?
- Are you all right, Tom?

- Oletko kunnossa, Tom?
- Oletko OK, Tom?
- Onko kaikki hyvin, Tom?

- Where are you going to?
- Where are you going?
- Where are you heading?

- Minne olet menossa?
- Mihin sinä olet menossa?
- Minne olet matkalla?
- Mihin menet?
- Mihin olet matkalla?
- Mihin sinä menet?

- You all right?
- Are you all right?
- Are you OK?
- Are you alright?

- Oletko kunnossa?
- Onko kaikki okei?
- Onko kaikki kunnossa?
- Onko kaikki OK?
- Onko kaikki ihan hyvin?

- Where are you going to?
- Where are you going?
- Where are you bound?
- Where are you heading?
- Where are you off to?
- Where are you headed?
- Where are you going to go?
- Where're you going?
- Where are you going anyway?

Mihin sinä olet menossa?

Are we gonna jump, are we gonna rappel?

Hypätäänkö vai laskeudutaanko köydellä?

- All men are equal.
- All people are equal.

Ihmiset ovat kaikki tasa-arvoisia.

- You are hopeless.
- You're hopeless.
- You are hopeless!

Olet toivoton.

- They are teachers.
- They are professors.
- They're teachers.

He ovat opettajia.

- Are you listening?
- Are you listening to me?

Kuunteletko minua?

Some are expensive, and others are very cheap.

Jotkut ovat kalliita, kun taas toiset ovat todella halpoja.

- We are doomed.
- We are doomed!
- We're doomed.

Me olemme tuhon omia.

- They are my brothers.
- These are my brothers.

He ovat veljiäni.

- We are studying Spanish.
- We are learning Spanish.

Me opiskelemme espanjaa.

"Whose knives are these?" "They are the butcher's."

”Kenen veitsiä nämä ovat?” ”Ne ovat teurastajan.”

- Are you still scared?
- Are you still afraid?

- Pelottaaks sua vielki?
- Pelottaako sinua vieläkin?

- Hi! How are you?
- Hi, how are you?

Terve, mitä kuuluu?

If men are wolves then women are devils.

Jos miehet ovat susia, naiset ovat piruja.

- Where are my watches?
- Where are my clocks?

- Missä kelloni ovat?
- Missä minun kelloni ovat?
- Missä rannekelloni ovat?

- Are you freaking kidding me?!
- Are you kidding?

- Oletko tosissasi?
- Onko tämän joku vitsi?
- Yritätkö vedättää mua?

- Where are the children?
- Where are the kids?

Missä lapset ovat?

- Are we on schedule?
- Are we on time?

Olemmeko me aikataulussa?

- You are crazy.
- You are mad.
- You're crazy.

Sinä olet hullu.

- Where are your kids?
- Where are your children?

Missä lapsesi ovat?

- Stay where you are.
- Stay where you are!

- Pysy siinä missä olen.
- Pysykää siinä missä olette.

- Where are you going?
- Where are you heading?

- Minne olette matkalla?
- Mihin menette?
- Mihin olette menossa?

There are people who are afraid of spiders.

On ihmisiä jotka pelkäävät hämähäkkejä.

- Are these your children?
- Are these your kids?

Ovatko nämä sinun lapsiasi?

- You are doctors.
- They are doctors.
- They're doctors.

- Olette lääkäreitä.
- He ovat lääkäreitä.

- Are you studying?
- Are you a college student?


- Here are the rules.
- These are the rules.

Nämä ovat säännöt.

- Tom's parents are wealthy.
- Tom's parents are rich.

Tomin vanhemmat ovat rikkaita.