Translation of "Karışmaz" in English

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Karışmaz" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tom karışmaz.

Tom won't interfere.

Yağ suyla karışmaz.

Oil does not mix with water.

Süt suyla karışmaz.

Milk doesn't mix with water.

Katılımcı konuşmaya karışmaz.

The exhibitor isn't involved in the conversation.

Su ve yağ karışmaz.

- Oil and water won't blend with each other.
- Water and oil don't mix.

İş ve dostluk karışmaz.

Business and friendship don't mix.

Yağ ve su birbiriyle karışmaz.

- Oil and water won't blend with each other.
- Oil and water don't mix.

Su ve yağ birbirine karışmaz.

Oil and water don't blend.

İlaç ve alkol çoğu zaman karışmaz.

Medication and alcohol often don't mix.