Translation of "Cesaretinin" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Cesaretinin" in a sentence and their english translations:

cesaretinin rozetleri

badges of your valour

Senin cesaretinin olduğunu sanmıyorum.

- I don't think you have the guts.
- I don't think that you have the guts.

Tom'un cesaretinin kırıldığını biliyorum.

- I know that Tom is discouraged.
- I know Tom is discouraged.

Tom, Mary'nin cesaretinin kırılacağını düşündü.

- Tom thought Mary would be discouraged.
- Tom thought that Mary would be discouraged.

Tom Mary'nin cesaretinin kırılacağını düşünüyor.

- Tom thinks Mary would be discouraged.
- Tom thinks that Mary would be discouraged.

Tom, Mary'nin cesaretinin kırılacağını düşünüyor.

- Tom thinks Mary will be discouraged.
- Tom thinks that Mary will be discouraged.

Tom gerçekten cesaretinin kırıldığını söyledi.

Tom said that he was really discouraged.

Tom herkese cesaretinin kırıldığını söyledi.

- Tom told everyone that he was discouraged.
- Tom told everybody that he was discouraged.
- Tom told everybody he was discouraged.
- Tom told everyone he was discouraged.

Mary Tom'un cesaretinin kırılmış olacağını düşündüğünü söyledi.

Mary said she thought Tom would be discouraged.

Tom, Mary'nin cesaretinin kırılmış olacağını düşündüğünü söyledi.

- Tom said he thought Mary would be discouraged.
- Tom said that he thought Mary would be discouraged.
- Tom said that he thought that Mary would be discouraged.

Tom nehre atlama cesaretinin olmasını ve düşen bebeği kurtarmayı istemişti.

Tom wished he had had the courage to jump into the river and save the baby that had fallen in.