Translation of "Tuve" in English

0.019 sec.

Examples of using "Tuve" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tuve suerte.

I was lucky.

Tuve que renunciar.

I had to step down.

tuve muchas limitaciones,

I had a lot of constraints.

Tuve que ir.

I had to go.

Tuve una pesadilla.

I had a nightmare.

Tuve la confirmación.

I had the confirmation.

No tuve opción.

I had no choice.

Tuve que hacerlo.

- I was forced to do it.
- I had to do it.

No tuve suerte.

I wasn't lucky.

Tuve una idea.

I had an idea.

Tuve una premonición.

I had a premonition.

No tuve alternativa.

I had no alternative.

Tuve algunos problemas.

I had some problems.

Tuve que aceptarlo.

I had to accept it.

Tuve que trabajar.

I had to work.

Tuve que parar.

I had to stop.

Recientemente tuve cirugía.

I recently had surgery.

Tuve un golpe.

I had a stroke.

Tuve un hijo.

I've got a son.

No tuve tiempo.

- I didn't have the time.
- I haven't had time.

Nunca tuve dudas.

I never had any doubts.

Tuve que mentirle.

I had to lie to him.

Tuve un sueño.

I had a dream.

El año pasado tuve ideas, este año tuve ideas.

Last year I had ideas, this year too.

Tuve tan poco tiempo, que tuve que almorzar apresurado.

I had so little time that I had to eat lunch in a hurry.

- Tuve un sueño extraño anoche.
- Anoche tuve un extraño sueño.
- Anoche tuve un sueño extraño.

- I had a strange dream last night.
- Last night I had a weird dream.
- I had a weird dream last night.
- Last night I had a strange dream.

- Tuve que alquilar un carro.
- Tuve que alquilar un auto.

I had to hire a car.

- Tuve un sueño extraño anoche.
- Anoche tuve un sueño extraño.

I had a strange dream last night.

- Tuve un mal sueño anoche.
- Anoche tuve un mal sueño.

I had a bad dream last night.

- Tuve un sueño terrible anoche.
- Tuve un sueño espantoso anoche.

I had a terrible dream last night.

Entonces, tuve una idea:

So I had an idea:

tuve que tomar riesgos,

I had to take a risk.

Y tuve que cambiar.

So I had to change.

Y tuve que pensar,

And I had to think,

De repente tuve suerte.

Suddenly I got lucky.

Tuve una contusión cerebral.

I had a cerebral contusion.

Tuve que prestarle dinero.

I had to lend to him money.

Tuve un sueño extraño.

- I dreamed a strange dream.
- I had a weird dream.
- I had a strange dream.

Tuve una brillante idea.

- I had a brilliant idea.
- I've had a brilliant idea.

Tuve una experiencia terrible.

I had a terrible experience.

Hoy tuve muchos problemas.

Today, I had a lot of troubles.

Tuve compasión del joven.

I felt pity for the boy.

Tuve una mañana ocupada.

I've had a busy morning.

Ayer tuve fiebre elevada.

Yesterday I had a high fever.

- Tuve cuidado.
- Fui precavido.

I was careful.

Anoche tuve un sueño.

I had a dream last night.

Tuve un día difícil.

I had a tough day.

Tuve algún dinero guardado.

I had some cash stashed away.

Supongo que tuve suerte.

I guess I was lucky.

Tuve una infancia horrible.

I had a horrible childhood.

Tuve un día horroroso.

I had an awful day.

Yo no tuve idea.

I had no idea.

Tuve un sueño terrible.

I had a terrible dream.

No tuve suficiente tiempo.

I didn't have enough time.

No tuve que moverlo.

I didn't have to move it.

No tuve ningún problema.

I didn't have any problems.

Nunca tuve mala leche.

I never had bad intentions.

Gracias, ya tuve suficiente.

Thank you, I've had enough.

Tuve que estudiar inglés.

I had to study English.

Ayer tuve un examen.

I sat an exam yesterday.