Translation of "Subotai" in English

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Examples of using "Subotai" in a sentence and their english translations:

Bela llanamente rehuso las peticiones mongol, dandole a Subotai su casus belli.

Bela flatly refuses Mongol requests, giving Subotai his casus belli.

Finalmente, al llegar la tarde, la fuerza de flanco de Subotai aparece.

Finally, as noon rolls on, Subotai's flanking force appears.

Apodado "Bahadur", que significa "el valiente", Subotai llega a la frontera húngara y polaca

Nicknamed "Bahadur", meaning "the Valiant", Subotai reaches the Hungarian and Polish border

Pero mientras que el mando húngaro no sabe donde está el enemigo, Subotai observa

But while the Hungarian leadership doesn't know where the enemy is, Subotai watches

Defensivas, pero Subotai le ordena a sus tropas no atacar el fuerte de vagón directamente.

positions, but Subotai orders his troops not to attack the wagon fort directly.

Pero al otro lado del río, Subotai cambia el rumbo y rapidamente pone en marcha su nuevo plan.

But back across the river, Subotai changes tack and quickly sets his new plan into motion.

Pero Subotai aún está en el proceso de cruzar el río, después de haberse tenido que desplazar a través del

But Subotai is still in the process of crossing the river, after having to move through the