Translation of "Sirvieron" in English

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Examples of using "Sirvieron" in a sentence and their english translations:

Sirvieron manzanas de postre.

Apples were served as the dessert.

¿Qué sirvieron en la fiesta?

What was served at the party?

Sirvieron café a los invitados.

They offered the guests some coffee.

Y no sólo eso, además, sirvieron como

and not only that, also served as

Donde una vez los boletos en el Sc se sirvieron cabestro,

Where once tickets on the Sc halter were served,

Riqueza y la salud en declive sirvieron para suavizar el comportamiento de Augereau.

wealth and declining health served  to mellow Augereau’s behaviour.

—Yo entiendo el italiano a la perfección —presumió ella en lo que escogía un plato del menú, pero cuando le sirvieron la comida, no era para nada lo que ella esperaba.

"I understand Italian perfectly," she boasted while choosing a dish from the menu, but when the food was served, it was not at all what she expected.