Translation of "Silvestre" in English

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Examples of using "Silvestre" in a sentence and their english translations:

El Gran Cañón es naturaleza silvestre

The Grand Canyon is true wilderness

Esta rosa silvestre desprende un aroma dulce.

This wild rose gives off a sweet scent.

Selvas de concreto, hostiles a la vida silvestre.

Concrete jungles, hostile to wildlife.

Hay muchos profesores en la ciudad de Silvestre.

There are many teachers in the city of Sylvester.

Entras en contacto con un lugar silvestre y te habla.

You're in touch with this wild place, and it's speaking to you.

Singapur es, ahora, una de las ciudades más amigables con la vida silvestre del mundo.

Singapore is now one of the most wildlife-friendly cities in the world.

¿Por qué un animal silvestre sacaría algo de las visitas de una extraña criatura humana?

Why would a wild animal, doing its thing, get anything out of this strange human creature visiting?

El asaí es el fruto de una palmera que crece únicamente en estado silvestre, en la selva lluviosa al norte de Brasil.

Acai is the fruit of a palm tree that grows only in the wild, in the northern rain forest of Brazil.