Translation of "Defendieron" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Defendieron" in a sentence and their english translations:

Defendieron su país.

They defended their country.

Ellos defendieron su patria.

They defended their country.

Los patriotas defendieron los derechos de su nación.

The patriots stood up for the rights of their nation.

Ellos defendieron a su país de los invasores.

They defended their country against the invaders.

Ataque sorpresa de Blucher, pero se defendieron con valentía y ayudaron a obtener la victoria.

Blucher’s surprise attack, but fought back bravely, helping to win victory.

Los soldados y civiles españoles defendieron la ciudad con un valor legendario, pero el liderazgo de Lannes

Spanish soldiers and civilians defended the city  with legendary courage, but Lannes’ leadership