Translation of "Contener" in English

0.187 sec.

Examples of using "Contener" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Puede contener tuercas.
- Puede contener nueces.
- Puede contener restos de frutos secos.

May contain nuts.

- No pude contener mi ira.
- No pude contener mi rabia.

- I couldn't control my anger.
- I could not control my anger.

- No pude contener las lágrimas.
- No podía contener las lágrimas.

I could not keep the tears from my eyes.

Intentó contener su ira.

He tried to restrain his anger.

- Tom no pudo contener su rabia.
- Tom no podía contener su rabia.

- Tom couldn't restrain his anger.
- Tom couldn't contain his anger.

No pude contener la ira.

I couldn't hold back my anger.

No pude contener mi ira.

I couldn't control my anger.

No podía contener las lágrimas.

- I could not keep the tears from my eyes.
- I couldn't help but cry.
- I couldn't hold back my tears.
- I couldn't help crying.

No pude contener mi rabia.

- I couldn't keep my anger down.
- I could not control my anger.

No pude contener mi alegría.

I could hardly contain myself for joy.

No pude contener la risa.

I couldn't help laughing out.

No podía contener el caballo.

He couldn't control the horse.

No pude contener las lágrimas.

- I couldn't help but cry.
- I couldn't stop crying.

No podía contener la risa.

I couldn't help but laugh to myself.

Él trató de contener su rabia.

He tried to hold back his anger.

Tom no podía contener su rabia.

Tom couldn't contain his anger.

Tom no podía contener su ira.

Tom couldn't hold back his anger.

Ella no podía contener sus lágrimas.

- She could not refrain from tears.
- She couldn't keep from crying.
- She couldn't help but cry.
- She couldn't stop the tears.
- She could not hold back her tears.
- He could not hold back his tears.
- She couldn't hold back her tears.
- He couldn't hold back his tears.

Él no podía contener sus lágrimas.

He could not hold back his tears.

Tom no pudo contener las lágrimas.

Tom couldn't hold back his tears.

Apenas me pude contener de vomitar.

I barely restrained myself from vomiting.

Tom apenas podía contener su excitación.

Tom could hardly contain his excitement.

Tom trató de contener sus lágrimas.

Tom tried to hold back his tears.

Tom no podía contener su sonrisa.

Tom couldn't keep from smiling.

No pude contener las ganas de reír.

I could not subdue the desire to laugh.

A veces no puedo contener mis emociones.

- Sometimes I can't help showing emotions.
- Sometimes I can't hold back my emotions.

Jim fue capaz de contener su enojo.

- Jim was able to hold back his anger.
- Jim managed to control his anger.

Su apariencia me hizo contener la respiración.

His appearance made me gasp.

No podremos contener a este lobo mucho más.

[Bear] We can't hold off this wolf much longer.

Su mensaje debe contener al menos diez letras.

Your message must contain at least ten characters.

Tom puede contener su respiración por cinco minutos.

Tom can hold his breath for five minutes.

No solo ayuda a contener a su monstruo aconsejador,

keep your Advice Monster at bay,

La guarida del dragón podría contener un valioso tesoro

That dragon's lair may contain a valuable treasure

Ponte hielo en el tobillo para contener la inflamación.

Put some ice on your ankle to keep the swelling down.

Tuve que contener mi cólera en frente de él.

I had to stifle my anger in front of him.

No puedo contener las ganas de comer carne cruda.

I can't resist the urge to eat raw meat.

Apenas pudo contener la risa cuando vio el vestido.

She could hardly keep from laughing when she saw the dress.

- No pude evitar reírme.
- No podía contener la risa.

I couldn't help but laugh to myself.

- No pude contener el sueño.
- No pude evitar quedarme dormido.

I couldn't help falling asleep.

Él no pudo contener su cólera ni un segundo más.

He could no longer contain his anger.

Esa caja es demasiado chica para contener todas estas cosas.

That box is too small to hold all these things.

Él canta tan bien que es imposible contener las lágrimas.

He sings so well that it's impossible to hold back tears.

David y su equipo continuarán luchando para contener la situación

David and his team will continue to struggle to contain the situation

- No pude controlar mis lágrimas.
- No podía contener las lágrimas.

I couldn't control my tears.

No podía contener las lágrimas cuando quería un telescopio para niños

she couldn't keep her tears when she wanted a telescope for kids

Aun sientiéndose un poco culpable, él no pudo contener la risa.

He could not refrain from smiling, though with a slight sense of guilt.

Este e-mail es confidencial y también puede contener información privilegiada.

This e-mail is confidential and may also contain privileged information.

No creo que sea capaz de contener mi ira por más tiempo.

I don't think I'll be able to hold in my anger any longer.

La sala era tan grande como para contener a más de 1,000 personas.

The hall was so large as to hold more than 1,000 people.

Él fue tan gracioso en la fiesta que simplemente no pude contener la risa.

He was so funny at the party that I simply couldn't restrain my laughter.

Tiene que ser muy específico y contener palabras clave para las que quieres posicionarte.

It needs to be very specific and contain keywords that you want to rank for.

Como César no deseaba comenzar una batalla por una carga repentina trató de contener el

As Caesar did not wish to commence a battle by a sudden charge he tried to restrain the

- Algunas veces no puedo evitar mostrar mis sentimientos.
- A veces no puedo contener mis emociones.

- Sometimes I can't help showing emotions.
- Sometimes I can't hold back my emotions.

Durante el verano se ven hidroaviones repostar agua de los embalses para contener los incendios forestales.

During the summer we see seaplanes fill up with water on the reservoir to contain forest fires.

Las galletas pueden contener nueces o maní, incluso si no salen en la lista de ingredientes.

Cookies may contain nuts or peanuts, even if not included in the ingredient list.

Pero ahora turno para ti, ¿Crees que el régimen de los ayatolas será capaz de contener semejante

But now it's time for you, do you think the regime of the ayatollahs will be able to contain similar

- Apenas pudo contener la risa cuando vio el vestido.
- No pudo reprimir su risa cuando observó el vestido.

She could hardly keep from laughing when she saw the dress.

- ¡Es increíble todo el tiempo que puede aguantar Mary sin respirar!
- ¡Es increíble cuánto tiempo puede aguantar Mary sin respirar!
- ¡Es increíble todo el tiempo que Mary puede contener la respiración!
- ¡Es increíble cuánto tiempo puede Mary contener la respiración!

It's incredible how long Mary can hold her breath!

Existe el riesgo de que el agua del grifo pueda contener sustancias nocivas como el cloro y el plomo.

There's a chance that tap water may contain harmful substances like chlorine and lead.

España anunció el sábado que limitaría severamente los movimientos de sus cuarenta y seis millones de habitantes para intentar contener al coronavirus.

Spain announced Saturday that it would severely limit the movements of its 46 million people to try to contain the coronavirus.

- Ella trató de ahogar un estornudo durante el concierto, pero no pudo contenerlo.
- Ella trató de contener un estornudo durante el concierto, pero no pudo impedirlo.

She tried to stifle a sneeze during the concert but she couldn't hold it back.