Translation of "Consigo" in English

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Consigo" in a sentence and their english translations:

Él habló consigo mismo.

He talked to himself.

Está hablando consigo mismo.

He's talking to himself.

- Él no llevó un paraguas consigo.
- No se llevó consigo un paraguas.

He didn't take an umbrella with him.

Tendrían sus armas consigo, monedas,

they would have their weapons with them, coins -

Ellos tienen consigo una conversación.

They have a conversation with.

Trae consigo un enorme riesgo.

comes an incredible risk.

Y trajo consigo muchas cosas.

and it delivered a great deal.

No consigo recordar su nombre.

- I can't recall her name.
- I can't remember your name.

Ella está murmurando consigo misma.

She is muttering to herself.

Tom estaba hablando consigo mismo.

Tom was talking to himself.

No consigo encontrar mi reloj.

I can't find my watch.

Él llevaba un arma consigo.

He had a gun on his person.

No consigo abrir esta cerradura.

I can't get this lock opened.

Cuanto más consigo, más quiero.

The more I get, the more I want.

Lleve usted el dinero consigo.

Take the money with you.

- Hago las cosas.
- Consigo cosas.

I get things done.

No consigo comunicar con Tom.

- I can't contact Tom.
- I can't get in touch with Tom.

Tom entró trayendo algo consigo.

Tom came in carrying something.

No consigo dormir cuando sudo.

I can't sleep when I sweat.

consigo interferir en la violencia urbana?

can I manage to make an impact on urban violence?"

Si consigo hablar a toda velocidad,

So if I can talk like the Bolt Man,

Lo otro es hablar consigo mismo.

The other one is self-talk.

Él no llevó un paraguas consigo.

He didn't take an umbrella with him.

No sea tan dura consigo misma.

- Don't be so hard on yourself.
- Don't be so harsh on yourself.

No consigo sacarla de mi mente.

I can't get her out of my mind.

- Apenas puedo verlo.
- Apenas consigo verla.

I can barely see it.

Esta misión lleva consigo grandes riesgos.

This mission entails huge risks.

No consigo entender qué quieres decir.

I can't see what you mean.

No consigo pensar de otra forma.

I cannot think any other way.

No consigo someterlo a mi voluntad.

I can't bend him to my will.

No consigo entender nada sobre esto.

I can't understand this at all.

María siempre trae su laptop consigo.

Mary keeps her laptop with her at all times.

¿Dónde consigo caretas para deportes acuáticos?

Where do I get masks for water sports?

Tom empezó a hablar consigo mismo.

Tom started talking to himself.

No sé cómo, pero lo consigo.

- I don't know how, but I'll manage it.
- I don't know how, but I'll manage.

Nunca consigo acordarme de su dirección.

I never seem to remember his address.

Tom no lleva mucho dinero consigo.

- Tom hasn't got much money with him.
- Tom doesn't have much money with him.

Es así como consigo manejar mi trabajo...

I get through it that way for my job.

Ha traído consigo esta tarde una calculadora?

happen to bring with them this afternoon a calculator?

No consigo recordar cuál es mi raqueta.

I can't remember which is my racket.

Casi todo turista lleva una cámara consigo.

Almost every tourist carries a camera with him.

No consigo entender eso de ninguna manera.

I cannot understand it for the life of me.

El anciano a veces habla consigo mismo.

The old man sometimes talks to himself.

No consigo hacer que alguien me ayude.

I can't get anyone to assist me.

No lo consigo ni siguiendo las instrucciones.

Even though I followed the instructions, it didn't go well.

Tom parece estar bastante satisfecho consigo mismo.

Tom seems quite pleased with himself.

No consigo averiguar cómo abrir la ventana.

I can't figure out how to get the window open.

Y esa sensación de ansiedad que traen consigo.

and the background hum of anxiety that comes along with that.

En lugar de ser un acosador consigo mismos

Instead of being a bully to yourself

El señor Brown siempre lleva un libro consigo.

- Mr Brown always carries a book with him.
- Mr. Brown always carries a book with him.

Todavía no consigo recordar la dirección de ella.

I haven't been able to remember her address.

- Yo tampoco consigo verle.
- Yo tampoco logro verlo.

I can't see him either.

No consigo recordar a quién se lo di.

I can't remember who I gave it to.

Tomás se marchó llevándose consigo una gran maleta.

Tom came in carrying a big suitcase.

No consigo hacer dos cosas a la vez.

I can't do two things at once.

Todavía no duermen, murmuró la bruja consigo misma.

"They are not asleep yet," muttered the witch to herself.

Vino acompañado. Trajo consigo a una chica canadiense.

He came accompanied by a Canadian girl.

Las conecciones en línea traen consigo muchas recompensas.

Online connections bring so many bounties.

Sé que lo sé, pero no consigo acordarme.

I know that I know it, but I can't remember it.

Tom no llevaba la dirección de Mary consigo.

Tom didn't have Mary's address with him.

Los celos extremos también traen consigo posesividad y desconfianza,

Extreme jealousy also brings with it possessiveness and mistrust,

Ella siempre lleva consigo un amuleto contra el mal.

She always carries a charm against evil.

Él jamás viaja sin llevar un reloj despertador consigo.

He never travels without taking an alarm clock with him.

Él me dio las pocas monedas que tenía consigo.

He gave me what little money he had about him.

¿Trae más de diez mil euros en efectivo consigo?

Do you have cash worth more than ten thousand euros?

- Él portaba un arma.
- Él llevaba un arma consigo.

He had a gun on his person.

- Tom llegó acarreando algo.
- Tom entró trayendo algo consigo.

Tom came in carrying something.

¿Cómo consigo que mi perro coma comida para perros?

How do I get my dog to eat dog food?

No consigo entender qué cosa intenta decir el escritor.

- I am not understanding what the author is trying to say.
- I don't understand what the author is trying to say.

Era para que la gente se sienta mal consigo misma

is so that people would feel bad about themselves

Para estar consigo misma y para estar con los demás.

to be himself and to be with others.

Ella estaba desilusionada y enojada consigo misma por ser así.

She was disappointed, and angry with herself for being so.

- No consigo recordar su nombre.
- Su nombre no lo recuerdo.

His name escapes me.