Translation of "Уэно" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Уэно" in a sentence and their english translations:

Как далеко отсюда до Уэно?

How far is it from here to Ueno?

Я сделал пересадку на станции Уэно.

I changed trains at Ueno Station.

Ну, вот мы и добрались до станции Уэно!

Here we are at Ueno Station.

Из аэропорта до станции Уэно "Кэйсэй Скайлайнер" добирается за 75 минут.

From the airport, the Keisei Line Sky-Liner will take you to Ueno Station in 75 minutes.

Поезд был ужасно переполнен, поэтому мне пришлось простоять всю дорогу до Уэно.

- The train was so crowded that I had to stand all the way to Ueno.
- The train was very crowded so I had to stand all the way to Ueno.
- Since the train was very crowded, I had to stand all the way to Ueno.