Translation of "Tranquilizar" in English

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Examples of using "Tranquilizar" in a sentence and their english translations:

Eu tentei tranquilizar a criança.

I tried to soothe the child.

Respirou fundo e tentou tranquilizar-se.

He took a deep breath and tried to put his uneasiness to rest.

Então ela / tenta tranquilizar-me assim falando: / “Meu terno esposo, de que vale te entregares / aos excessos da dor?"

Then she addressed me thus, and comforted my care. / "What boots this idle passion? Why so fain / sweet husband, thus to sorrow and repine?"

Caíra a noite e sobre a terra o sono / apoderava-se de toda a humana gente. / As sagradas imagens dos penates / troianos, que, do incêndio da cidade / resgatando, eu comigo transportara, / eis do meu leito, qual num sonho, vejo erguer-se / à minha frente, bem iluminadas / pelo esplendor que a lua cheia difundia / através da janela aberta do meu quarto. / E pareceu-me ouvi-las proferir, / para tranquilizar-me, estas palavras:

'Twas night; on earth all creatures were asleep, / when lo! the figures of our gods, the same / whom erst from falling Ilion o'er the deep / I brought, scarce rescued from the midmost flame, / before me, sleepless for my country's shame, / stood plain, in plenteousness of light confessed, / where streaming through the sunken lattice came / the moon's full splendour, and their speech addressed, / and I in heart took comfort, hearing their behest.