Translation of "Tyle" in English

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Examples of using "Tyle" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tyle wystarczy.

That will do.

Tyle zamieszania!

So much confusion!

- Tyle to ja wiem.
- Tyle wiem na pewno.

I know that much.

- O co tyle szumu?
- O co tyle hałasu?

What's all this fuss about?

Dawać i tyle.

To just give.

Skąd tyle nienawiści?

Why so much hate?

- Zjedz tyle, ile chcesz.
- Zjedzcie tyle, ile chcecie.
- Niech pan je tyle, ile pan chce.
- Proszę jeść tyle, ile pani chce.

Eat as much as you want.

Zagrożenie zostało w tyle.

Past the danger zone.

Gada tyle co zwykle.

He is as talkative as ever.

Ile osób, tyle poglądów.

- Many men, many minds.
- So many heads, so many minds.

To tyle na dzisiaj.

That's it for today.

Przynajmniej tyle mogę zrobić.

It's the least I could do.

To tyle na dziś.

- That's enough for today.
- Let's call it a day today.

- To wystarczy.
- Tyle wystarczy.

- That will do.
- That's enough.
- That'll do.

Możesz poczekać tyle czasu?

Can you wait that long?

Zjedz tyle, ile chcesz.

Eat as much as you want.

Wcale tyle nie pracuję!

I don't work that much!

Dzieje się tyle ciekawego.

There are so many interesting things going on.

Ilu ludzi, tyle opinii.

- Each has his own taste.
- Many men, many minds.
- To each his own.
- Different strokes for different folks.
- Ask ten people, get ten answers.

Nie powinieneś tyle palić.

- You ought not to smoke so much.
- You shouldn't smoke so much.

Nie mam tyle szczęścia.

I'm not so lucky.

- To wszystko.
- To tyle.

This is it.

tyle o tym się mówi.

so much [talked] about.

Ale tylko tyle można zrobić.

But that's the best that you can do.

Bo traci się tyle rzeczy.

Because you lose many things.

Proszę, nie rób tyle hałasu.

- Please don't make so much noise.
- Please don’t make so much noise!

Pożyczę ci tyle, ile potrzebujesz.

I will lend you as much money as you want.

Nie chciałem zmarnować tyle czasu.

I didn't want to waste so much time.

Nie wiedziałem, że tyle wypił.

I didn't know he drank so much.

Jest tyle kościołów, co muzeów.

There are as many museums as there are churches.

Na pięć dni tyle wystarczy.

It's enough for five days.

- Nie sądziłem, że będzie tu tyle ludzi.
- Nie sądziłam, że będzie tu tyle ludzi.

I had no idea there'd be this many people here.

To na tyle doceniłabym to doświadczenie,

I would have valued that whole experience so much more

Skoro tyle badań wykazuje to samo,

when so many studies show the same thing,

Daj sobie tyle czasu, ile potrzebujesz.

Take your time with it, if you need to.

Ale musi zebrać tyle, ile udźwignie.

She must cram in as much as she can.

Po co zadawać sobie tyle trudu?

Why go through all that trouble?

Zjadł dwa razy tyle co ja.

He ate twice as much as I did.

Pożycz mu tyle pieniędzy, ile potrzebuje.

Lend him as much money as he needs.

Żałuję, że robię Ci tyle problemów.

I'm sorry to give you all this trouble.

Przepraszam, że sprawiam ci tyle kłopotów.

I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble.

Zarabia trzy razy tyle co ja.

He makes three times more money than I do.

Tom nie powinien był tyle jeść.

Tom shouldn't have eaten so much.

Nie spędzaj tyle czasu oglądając telewizję.

Don't spend so much time watching television.

Tyle że robiłam to cały czas.

Except I used to do this all the time.

Mam tyle samo pieniędzy, co on.

I've got as much money as he has.

Nawet mając tyle pieniędzy, jest nieszczęśliwy.

Even with all his money, he's unhappy.

Którąkolwiek drogę wybierzesz, potrwa tyle samo.

Whichever way you take, it'll take you the same time.

Nie rozumiem, o co tyle krzyku.

I don't see what the fuss is about.

Przepraszam, że to zajęło tyle czasu.

- I'm sorry it took so long.
- I'm sorry that it took so long.

Tom nie powinien był tyle wydawać.

Tom shouldn't have spent so much money.

Wolałbym nie wydawać tyle na ubrania.

I'd rather not spend so much money on clothes.

Nie mam tyle doświadczenia co pan.

I don't have as much experience as you.

Dała mi tyle rad co informacji.

She gave me advice as well as information.

Nie martw się tyle, bo wyłysiejesz.

- Don't worry too much, or you'll go bald.
- If you worry too much, you'll go bald.

Nie mam tyle pieniędzy co myślisz.

I don't have as much money as you think.

Tom nie musiał kupować tyle jedzenia.

Tom didn't need to buy so much food.

Ale w pobliżu jest tyle opiekuńczych matek

But with so many protective mothers around,

Tyle do zjedzenia... a tak mało czasu.

So much to eat... so little time.

Ona jest nie tyle piosenkarką, co aktorką.

She is not so much a singer as an actress.

On ma tyle książek co jego ojciec.

He has just as many books as his father does.

To nie tyle uczony, co raczej poeta.

He is not so much a scholar as a poet.

Zarabia tyle, że może żyć w komforcie.

His salary enables him to live in comfort.

Jeśli będziesz tyle jadł, staniesz się gruby.

If you eat that much, you'll get fat.

Tom ma tyle samo lat ile ja.

Tom is just as old as I am.

On ma tyle książek, co jego ojciec.

He has as many books as his father does.

- Wiem tylko tyle.
- To wszystko, co wiem.

- I know only this.
- This is all I know.

On zarabia dwa razy tyle co ja.

He earns double my salary.

Mogę siedzieć do późna tyle, ile chcę.

I can stay up as late as I want.

Proponuję, żebyś przestał zadawać tyle głupich pytań.

I suggest you stop asking so many stupid questions.

Dlaczego wszyscy robią o to tyle hałasu?

Why is everybody making such a big deal about this?

Przepraszam, że musiałeś tyle na mnie czekać.

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long.

- Wystarczy?
- Czy to wystarczy?
- Czy tyle wystarczy?

- Is it enough?
- Is that enough?

Tyle pysznych rzeczy można zrobić z bakłażanów!

So many tasty foods can be prepared with eggplants!

Ona ma tyle samo książek co ja.

She has as many books as I.

Jesteś bardzo hojny dając mi tyle pieniędzy.

- You are generous to give me such a lot of money.
- How generous you are to give me so much money.

Powtarzał sobie, że nie powinien tyle kłamać.

He kept saying to himself that he must not tell so many lies.

Nie pracuję tyle godzin tygodniowo co kiedyś.

I don't work as many hours a week as I used to.

Tom nie je aż tyle co Mary.

- Tom didn't eat as much as Mary did.
- Tom didn't eat as much as Mary.

Zespolić i stać się wewnątrz na tyle gorące,

to clump them up, and to actually make them hot inside,

Jej mąż i córeczka nie mieli tyle szczęścia.

Her husband and her daughter were not so lucky.

Płatności mobilne, o których tyle się ostatnio mówi,

because that thing that we all talk about, mobile payment,

Będę mógł wycisnąć tyle soku, ile się da.

I can then ring as much fluid as I can out of it.

Nauczyciel ma trzy razy tyle książek co ja.

The teacher has three times as many books as I do.

Królowa była na tyle łaskawa, że nas zaprosiła.

The queen was gracious enough to invite us.

Problemem jest nie tyle sama istota, co wygląd.

The question is not so much what it is as how it looks.

Nie są na tyle mądrzy, by to zrozumieć.

They aren't smart enough to understand this stuff.

On zgromadził dwa razy tyle znaczków co ja.

He has collected twice as many stamps as I have.

Zjadł trzy, ale powiedział, że zje drugie tyle.

He ate three and said he could eat as many again.

On jest nie tyle uczonym, co celebrytą telewizyjnym.

He is not so much a scholar as a TV personality.