Translation of "Pracujemy" in English

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Pracujemy" in a sentence and their english translations:


We're working.

[Jak pracujemy]

[The Way We Work]

Pracujemy razem.

We work together.

Jutro pracujemy.

We'll work tomorrow.

Pracujemy rano.

We have work in the morning.

Obecnie pracujemy.

We're working at the moment.

Wszyscy pracujemy.

We all work.

Pracujemy nad tym.

- We're working on that.
- We're working on it.

Dzisiaj nie pracujemy.

We're closed today.

Ciągle nad tym pracujemy.

- We're still working on that.
- We're still working on it.

Jak widać, nadal pracujemy.

As you can see, we're still working.

Pracujemy teraz nad tym.

- We're working on it now.
- We're working on that now.

- Pracujemy tak szybko, jak możemy.
- Pracujemy tak szybko, jak tylko możemy.

We're working as fast as we can.

"Przyjdźcie do nas, pracujemy 996".

"Come work for us because we are 996."

Ja i Tom pracujemy razem.

Tom and I work together.

- Mamy pracę rano.
- Pracujemy rano.

We have work in the morning.

Ciężko pracujemy, żeby nadrobić stracony czas.

- We are working hard to make up for lost time.
- We're working hard to make up for lost time.

Pracujemy z Tomem w tej samej firmie.

- Tom and I work at the same company.
- Tom and I work for the same company.

Może Tom i ja za dużo pracujemy.

Maybe Tom and I are working too much.

Tom i ja pracujemy w tym samym szpitalu.

Tom and I work at the same hospital.

Pracujemy nad programem, który pomoże młodym z ciężkimi chorobami psychicznymi

We're developing a program that will help young adults with severe mental illness

Myślałem, że to będzie prosta robota, ale pracujemy przez cały dzień i końca nie widać.

- I thought doing this would be easy, but we've been working all day and we're still not finished.
- I thought that doing this would be easy, but we've been working all day and we're still not finished.