Translation of "Musiała…" in English

0.109 sec.

Examples of using "Musiała…" in a sentence and their english translations:

Musiała tu zostać.

She has had to stay here.

Musiała się zabić.

She had to kill herself.

Musiała być piękną dziewczyną.

She must have been a pretty girl when she was young.

Niejednokrotnie musiała używać słownika.

She had to use her dictionary many times.

Musiała być bardzo piękna.

She must have been very beautiful.

Ile będziesz musiała czekać?

How long will you have to wait?

Dlaczego musiała go wzywać?

- Why should she have sent for him?
- Why did she need to send for him?

Więc przez miliony lat musiała…

So, over millions of years, she's had to...

Mary musiała iść do szkoły.

Mary had to go to school.

Musiała być piękna w młodości.

She seems to have been a beauty in her day.

Będzie musiała gotować dla wszystkich.

She will have to cook for everyone.

Będzie musiała na niego zaczekać.

She'll have to wait for him.

Ona musiała wtedy być bogata.

She must have been rich in those days.

Ona musiała skończyć pracę wczoraj.

She must have finished the work yesterday.

Może będziesz musiała to zrobić.

Maybe you'll have to do that.

Musiała być bardzo piękna w młodości.

She must have been very beautiful when she was young.

Wskutek przepracowania musiała odpocząć przez tydzień.

Overwork caused her to be absent from work for a week.

Nie musiała przychodzić na to spotkanie.

She needn't have come to the meeting.

Kate musiała trochę poczekać na Briana.

Brian kept Kate waiting.

Tom przeprosił, że Mary musiała czekać.

Tom apologized for making Mary wait.

Musiała być piękna, kiedy była młoda.

- She must've been beautiful when she was young.
- She must have been beautiful when she was young.

Hiszpania będzie musiała pożyczyć 100 miliardów euro.

Spain will need to borrow 100 billion euros.

Wydaje mi się, że bateria musiała paść.

I guess the battery must be dead.

Wycieczka musiała zostać przełożona z powodu deszczu.

The rain necessitated a postponement of the picnic.

Nasza mama musiała zrobić kolację z resztek.

Our mother had no choice but to make dinner with leftovers.

Twoja matka musiała być piękna kiedy była młoda.

- Your mother must have been beautiful when she was young.
- Your mother must've been beautiful when she was young.

Matka, która straciła męża, musiała doświadczyć wielu trudności.

The widowed mother had to go through a lot of hardships.

Chyba będę musiała zostać dziś w pracy do późnego wieczora.

Looks like I might have to burn the midnight oil tonight.

Tomek nie mógł zrozumieć dlaczego Marysia musiała zrezygnować z pracy.

Tom couldn't understand why Mary had to quit her job.

Mary musiała pracować na trzy zmiany, żeby opłacić swoje rachunki.

Mary had to work three shifts to pay her bills.

- Sam będziesz musiał o to zadbać.
- Sam będziesz musiał się tym zająć.
- Sama będziesz musiała o to zadbać.
- Sama będziesz musiała się tym zająć.

You're going to have to take care of this by yourself.

Nigdy nie musiała mierzyć się z wyzwaniem, jakim jest braku snu.

has never had to face the challenge of this thing called sleep deprivation.

Nie trzyma ramion do tyłu, na wypadek, gdyby musiała się wycofać.

There's no holding the arms back just in case I have to pull back.

Tom stwierdził, że nie sądzi, aby Mary musiała to dzisiaj robić.

- Tom said he doesn't think Mary has to do that today.
- Tom said that he doesn't think Mary has to do that today.
- Tom said that he doesn't think that Mary has to do that today.

Ta gwiazda ma za długi język - już wielokrotnie musiała za to przepraszać.

The movie star ate crow many times because of all the thoughtless things she said.

- Być może będę musiała zwolnić Toma.
- Możliwe, że będę musiał zwolnić Toma.

I may have to fire Tom.

Wiem, że to Tom powinien był powiedzieć Mary, że nie musiała tego robić.

- I knew that Tom was the one who was supposed to tell Mary that she didn't have to do that.
- I knew that Tom was the one who was supposed to tell Mary she didn't have to do that.
- I knew Tom was the one who was supposed to tell Mary she didn't have to do that.

Pamela musiała być w domu, kiedy próbowałem się z nią skontaktować, ale nie odebrała telefonu.

Pamela must have been at home when I tried to get in touch with her, but she didn't answer the telephone.