Translation of "Voltunk" in English

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Examples of using "Voltunk" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Magunk voltunk csak.
- Egyedül voltunk.

We were alone.

- Egykor szomszédok voltunk.
- Szomszédok voltunk még annak idején.
- Valaha szomszédok voltunk.
- Volt, hogy szomszédok voltunk.
- Egykoron szomszédok voltunk.
- Hajdanában szomszédok voltunk.

We used to be neighbours.

- Régen barátok voltunk.
- Valaha barátok voltunk.

We used to be friends.

- Tegnap moziban voltunk.
- Moziban voltunk tegnap.

We were at the movie theater yesterday.

- Mindketten részegek voltunk.
- Mindketten ittasak voltunk.

We were both drunk.

Barátok voltunk.

We were friends.

Elfoglaltak voltunk.

We were busy.

Együttműködőek voltunk.

We've been cooperative.

Együtt voltunk.

We were together.

Hányan voltunk?

How many of us were there?

Kint voltunk.

We were outside.

Szobatársak voltunk.

We were roommates.

Betegek voltunk.

We were sick.

Feldúltak voltunk.

We were upset.

Fáradtak voltunk.

We were tired.

Kitartóak voltunk.

We were persistent.

Szkeptikusak voltunk.

We were skeptical.

Proaktívak voltunk.

We were proactive.

Türelmetlenek voltunk.

We were impatient.

Szerencsések voltunk.

- We're fortunate.
- We were fortunate.

Eltérőek voltunk.

We were different.

Izgatottak voltunk.

We were excited.

Részegek voltunk.

We were drunk.

Ellenségek voltunk.

We were enemies.

Szánalmasak voltunk.

We were miserable.

Vitorlázni voltunk.

We were sailing.

Sikertelenek voltunk.

We've been unsuccessful.

Bostonban voltunk.

We were in Boston.

Ott voltunk.

We were there.

Boldogok voltunk.

We were happy.

Hárman voltunk:

So there were three members:

Hol voltunk?

Where were we?

Katonák voltunk.

We were soldiers.

Szerelmesek voltunk.

We were in love.

Hárman voltunk.

There were three of us.

Tízen voltunk.

There were ten of us.

- Fent voltunk a fővárosban.
- A fővárosban voltunk.

We were in the capital.

Nem voltunk egyedül, mert ott voltunk egymás mellett,

Not alone because duck and I were side by side,

- Múlt héten Londonban voltunk.
- Múlt héten Bostonban voltunk.

We were in Boston last week.

- Eddig eléggé sikeresek voltunk.
- Eddig meglehetősen sikeresek voltunk.

So far we have been quite successful.

- Eddig nagyon sikeresek voltunk.
- Eddig meglehetősen sikeresek voltunk.

So far we have been quite successful.

- Magunk voltunk csak.
- Csak mi voltunk ott egyedül.

We were alone.

Nem voltunk gazdagok,

We didn't have much,

Kis stúdió voltunk.

we were a mini studio.

Hihetetlenül boldogok voltunk.

Everyone was thrilled.

Mind fáradtak voltunk.

We were all tired.

Nagyon fáradtak voltunk.

We were very tired.

Nem voltunk boldogok.

We weren't happy.

Hajlandók voltunk tanulni.

We're willing to learn.

Nem voltunk moziban.

We are not at the cinema.

Mindketten részegek voltunk.

We were both drunk.

Állandóan együtt voltunk.

We were always together.

Meglehetősen zajosak voltunk.

We were pretty noisy.

Régen házasok voltunk.

We used to be married.

Valaha jegyesek voltunk.

We used to be engaged.

Nem mi voltunk.

It wasn't us.

Akkoriban gyerekek voltunk.

We were children at that time.

Valahol máshol voltunk.

We were somewhere else.

Annyira büszkék voltunk.

We were so proud.

Pontosan időben voltunk.

We were just in time.

Mindketten biztonságban voltunk.

We were both safe.

Teljesen egyedül voltunk.

We were all alone.

Annyira szerencsések voltunk.

We were so lucky.

Tegnap moziban voltunk.

We were at the movie theater yesterday.

Nem voltunk barátok.

We weren't friends.

Kint voltunk együtt.

We were out together.

Nagyon éhesek voltunk.

We were very hungry.

Mindketten éhesek voltunk.

We were both hungry.

A parkban voltunk.

We were at the park.

Nem voltunk részegek.

We weren't drunk.

Végre otthon voltunk.

At last, we were home!

Tavaly voltunk Bostonban.

We went to Boston last year.

Akkoriban fiatalabbak voltunk.

We were younger then.

Mindig együtt voltunk.

We were always together.

Tegnap itt voltunk.

We were here yesterday.

Egy véleményen voltunk.

We were as one in our opinion.

Mindketten álmosak voltunk.

- We were both sleepy.
- Both of us were sleepy.

Mindketten szomjasak voltunk.

We were both thirsty.

Mindketten fáradtak voltunk.

- We were both tired.
- We both were tired.

- Kinn voltunk, amíg be nem sötétedett.
- Sötétedésig kinn voltunk.

We stayed outside until it got dark.

Ott voltunk mi ketten, két leendő anyuka, nem voltunk egyedül.

Mama duck and I, there we were, two aspirational mothers, not alone.

- Egy éve voltunk itt.
- Egy évvel ezelőtt voltunk mi itt.

We were here a year ago.

- Az elejétől fogva barátok voltunk.
- Mi a kezdetektől cimborák voltunk.

We were friends right from the start.

Amelyekre korábban képtelenek voltunk.

that you might not have been privy to before.

és ahogy indulófélben voltunk,

and as I'm picking up Dustin, and we're about to leave,

Mind olyan egyformák voltunk.

We all looked alike.

Csakhogy nagyon cselesek voltunk.

But we were very sneaky.

Akivel friss házasok voltunk.

who I had just married.