Translation of "Ott" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Ott" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Ők ott élnek.
- Ott laknak.
- Ők ott laknak.
- Ott élnek.

They live there.

- Ott lesztek?
- Ön ott lesz?
- Ott leszel?

Will you be there?

- Ott voltál.
- Ott voltatok.

You were there.

- Ott voltál?
- Voltál ott?

Were you there?

- Ott vagy?
- Te ott vagy?

Are you there?

- Ők ott élnek.
- Ott laknak.

They live there.

- Én ott voltam.
- Voltam ott.

I was there.

- Én ott voltam.
- Ott voltam.

I was there.

- Ott lehet.
- Lehet, ott van.

He may be there.

- Ott leszünk.
- Ott leszünk majd.

We'll be there.

- Ott leszek.
- Ott fogok lenni.

That's where I'll be.

- Meddig voltál ott?
- Meddig voltak ott?
- Meddig volt ott?

- How long were you there?
- How long was he there?
- How long was she there?

- Nővéred ott van?
- A nővéred ott van?
- Húgod ott van?
- A húgod ott van?

Is your sister there?

- Mi az ott?
- Mi van ott?

- What is over there?
- What's over there?

- Mindjárt ott vagyunk.
- Majdnem ott vagyunk.

- We're almost there.
- We are almost there.

- Voltam ott tegnap.
- Tegnap voltam ott.

I was there yesterday.

- Ott esik.
- Esik az eső ott.

It's raining there.

- Minek voltál ott?
- Miért voltál ott?

- What did you go there for?
- Why did you go there?

- Muszáj ott lennem.
- Ott kell lennem.

- I must be there.
- I should be there.
- I have to be there.

- Meddig éltél ott?
- Meddig laktál ott?

How long did you live there?

- Háromszor ettünk ott.
- Ettünk ott háromszor.

We have eaten there three times.

- Nincs ott senki.
- Senki sincs ott.

No one is there.

- Nincs ott senki.
- Nincs senki ott.

- There is no one there.
- There's no one there.

- Ott kellene lennem.
- Ott kéne lennem.

I should be there.

- Tom ott élt.
- Ott lakott Tamás.

Tom lived there.

- Tom ott volt.
- Tom volt ott.

Tom was there.

- Valami van ott.
- Van ott valami.

There's something there.

- Mi az ott?
- Az ott mi?

- What is that over there?
- What's that over there?

- Tom ott van.
- Tom van ott.

- Tom is over there.
- Tom is there.
- The volume is over there.

- Jó volt ott.
- Tetszett nekünk ott.

We enjoyed being there.

- Ki van ott?
- Ki az ott?

- Who's there?
- Who is there?

- Bár ott lennék!
- Bárcsak ott lehetnék!

- I wish I were there.
- I wish I was there.

- Mindjárt ott vagyunk.
- Nemsokára ott leszünk.

We'll get there soon.

- Meddig voltak ott?
- Meddig volt ott?

How long were you there?

- Láttam önt ott.
- Láttam önöket ott.

I saw you there.

- Ott vagy még?
- Ott vagytok még?

Are you still there?

ott volt –

there it was:

Ott termett.

She's there.

Ott jön.

There she comes.

Ott ült.

He was sitting there.

Ott születtem.

I was born there.

Ott játsszatok.

Play there.

Ott leszünk.

We'll be there.

Ott vagytok?

Are you there?

Parkoljunk ott.

Let's park over there.

Maradj ott!

Stay there.

Ott találtam.

I found it there.

Ott leszek.

I'll be there.

Ott találkozunk.

I'll see you there.

Ott vannak.

- They're there.
- They are there.

Ott leszel?

- Are you going to be there?
- Will you be there?

Ott voltál?

Were you there?

Ott lesztek?

Will you be there?

Nincs ott.

- It isn't there.
- It's not there.

Ott volt.

It was there.

Ott lébecoltunk.

We hung in there.

Ott születtél?

Were you born there?

Ott várjatok!

Wait there.

Ott ültünk.

We sat there.

Ott van?

Is it there?

Láttalak ott.

I saw you there.

Ott voltunk.

We were there.

Ott havazik.

- It snows there.
- It's snowing there.

Hagyja ott.

Leave them there.

Ott laksz?

Do you live there?

Ott sétálhatunk.

We can walk there.

Ott, előttünk.

There, straight ahead.

Ott lakik.

She lives there.

Ott találkozunk!

We'll meet you there.

Ott lehetek?

Can I be there?

- Van ott egy hotel.
- Van ott egy szálloda.
- Szálloda van ott.

There's a hotel there.

- Valameddig ott maradtak.
- Rövid ideig tartózkodtak ott.
- Kis időt töltöttek ott.
- Ideig-óráig maradtak ott.
- Egy kis időt eltöltöttek ott.

He stayed there a little while.

- Csak egyszer voltam ott.
- Csupán egyszer voltam ott.
- Csupán egyszer jártam ott.
- Csak egyszer jártam ott.

I only went there once.

- Senki nem él ott.
- Senki sem lakik ott.
- Senki sem él ott.
- Senki nem lakik ott.

Nobody lives there.

- Ott van a táskád.
- Ott a táskád.

There is your bag.

- Nincsenek mindig ott.
- Ők nincsenek mindig ott.

They're not always there.

- Ott a tiéd.
- A tiéd ott van.

Yours is over there.

- Még mindig ott vagytok?
- Ott vagytok még?

Are you still there?

- Hány órakor legyek ott?
- Mikor legyek ott?

What time shall I be there?

- Vigyázz! Ott egy trafi.
- Vigyázz! Fényképeznek ott.

Watch out! There's a speed camera.

- Kivel vagy ott?
- Ki van ott veled?

Who are you there with?

- Most nincs ott.
- Most nincs az ott.

It's not there now.

- Öt évig éltem ott.
- Öt évet éltem ott.
- Öt éven keresztül éltem ott.

I lived there for five years.

- Mit csinálsz te ott?
- Mit művelsz te ott?

What're you doing there?

- Bárhova megyek, ott vagyok.
- Akárhova megyek, ott vagyok.

Anywhere I go, I am there.

- Mindenkit ismertem, aki ott volt.
- Mindenkit ismertem ott.

I knew everyone there.

- Én voltam ott először.
- Én voltam ott elsőnek.

I was there first.

- Voltam valamikor ott.
- Egyszer már voltam ott korábban.

I was there once before.