Translation of "Kreativer" in English

0.031 sec.

Examples of using "Kreativer" in a sentence and their english translations:

Sind kreativer und optimistischer,

are more creative, more optimistic,

Können so noch kreativer sein.

can be even more creative.

Sami ist kein kreativer Mensch.

Sami isn't a creative person.

Er hat eine Menge kreativer Ideen.

- He has a lot of original ideas.
- He has a lot of creative ideas.

Überall auf der Welt werden wilde Tiere immer kreativer darin, an Nahrung zu gelangen.

Across the globe, wild animals are growing ever more artful at stealing a meal.

Je kreativer der Satz, desto geringer die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass sich jemand exakt denselben ausdenkt.

The more creative the sentence, the less likely it is that someone will invent exactly the same one.

Pauls Kenntnisse in kreativer Buchführung waren das Geheimnis seiner Fähigkeit, all das Personal zu bekommen, das er braucht.

Paul's knowledge of creative bookkeeping has been the secret of his ability to get all the staffing he needs.