Translation of "Partit" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Partit" in a sentence and their english translations:

Il partit.

He walked away.

- Tom partit en courant.
- Tom partit courir.

Tom went running.

Il partit pour Paris.

He set off to Paris.

Il partit en trombe.

He went off in a hurry.

Tout le monde partit.

Everybody left.

Il sourit et partit.

He smiled and left.

Tom partit avant-hier.

Tom went the day before yesterday.

Le jour suivant il partit.

The next day he went away.

- Il est parti.
- Il partit.

- He walked away.
- He left.

- Tom est parti.
- Tom partit.

- Tom left.
- Tom went.

Le train partit à l'heure.

The train left on time.

Il partit sans aucune raison.

He left for no reason whatsoever.

Tom partit juste avant Mary.

- Tom left just before Mary did.
- Tom left just before Mary.

- Il nous fit ses adieux et partit.
- Il prit congé de nous et partit.

He bade us farewell, and went away.

Il partit rapidement après notre arrivée.

He left soon after our arrival.

Il lui dit adieu et partit.

He said goodbye to him and left.

Il partit après qu'il eût déjeuné.

He left after he had lunch.

Il partit pour Londres avant-hier.

- He departed for London the day before yesterday.
- He left for London the day before yesterday.

Il relâcha doucement l'embrayage puis partit.

He slowly let the clutch out and drove off.

Il partit en un clin d'œil.

He left in the blink of an eye.

Tout le monde partit, sauf lui.

Everyone left except him.

- Personne ne partit.
- Personne n'est parti.

No one left.

Il partit sans me dire adieu.

He left without even telling me.

Elle mit son manteau et partit.

- She put her coat on and left.
- She put on her coat and left.
- She put her coat on and went.
- She put on her coat and went.

Tom enfila son manteau et partit.

Tom put on his coat and left.

Un feu partit spontanément des herbes sèches.

A spontaneous fire started in the hay.

Marie partit en voyage autour du monde.

Mary went on a voyage around the world.

Il partit voyager à la recherche d'aventures.

He went traveling in search of adventure.

Il partit sans même dire au revoir.

He left without so much as saying goodbye.

- Il est parti tôt.
- Il partit tôt.

He left early.

- Elle est partie tôt.
- Elle partit tôt.

She left early.

Le messager partit pour Londres en secret.

The messenger left for London in secret.

Il prit congé de nous et partit.

He bade us farewell, and went away.

Tom me remit la lettre et partit.

Tom handed me the letter and left.

Elle s'introduisit dans la voiture et partit.

She got into the car and drove off.

- Il partit sans mot dire.
- Il partit sans dire un mot.
- Il est parti sans dire un mot.

He went away without saying a word.

- Il partit en trombe.
- Il est parti en catastrophe.
- Il est parti à la hâte.
- Il partit à la hâte.
- Il partit en catastrophe.
- Il a déguerpi dare-dare.

He went away in a hurry.

- Il est parti.
- Il partit.
- Il s'en alla.

- He walked away.
- He went away.
- He left.
- He went.
- He's gone.
- He's left.
- He was gone.

Il dit deux ou trois mots et partit.

He said two or three words and left.

« Adieu mes amis », dit-il, puis il partit.

He said, "So long, my friends," and left us.

Elle profita de ses congés payés et partit skier.

She took advantage of her paid vacation and went skiing.

Il partit à l'étranger pour ne plus jamais revenir.

He went abroad, never to return.

- Tout le monde partit.
- Tout le monde est parti.

- Everybody left.
- Everyone left.

Il vendit son affaire et partit à la retraite.

He sold his business and retired.

Le train partit juste comme nous atteignions le quai.

The train left just as we arrived at the platform.

Il la remercia très poliment et partit en vitesse.

- He thanked her very politely, and hurried off.
- He thanked her very politely and quickly left.

- Il sourit et partit.
- Il a souri et est parti.

He smiled and left.

- Il partit sans aucune raison.
- Il est parti sans aucune raison.

He left for no reason whatsoever.

Quand il partit à la retraite, son fils reprit son affaire.

When he retired, his son took over his business.

Quand j'avais dix ans, mon grand frère partit de la maison.

When I was 10, my brother left our home.

Elle partit faire du shopping, laissant son jeune enfant tout seul.

She went shopping, leaving her little child all alone.

Il partit tôt, autrement il n'aurait pas pu monter dans ce train.

He left early; otherwise he could not have caught the train.

- Il est parti sans dire au revoir.
- Il partit sans dire au revoir.

He left without saying goodbye.

- Il est parti sans dire au revoir.
- Il partit sans me dire adieu.

- He left without saying goodbye.
- She left without saying goodbye.

Il partit à la recherche de sa mère dont il avait perdu la trace.

He set out to find his lost mother.

Comme c'est souvent le cas avec lui, il partit au bureau sans se raser.

As is often the case with him, he went to the office without shaving.

Mon grand-père avait obtenu une montre en or lorsqu'il partit à la retraite.

My grandfather was given a gold watch when he retired.

- Tom enfila son manteau et partit.
- Tom a mis son manteau et est parti.

- Tom put on his coat and left.
- Tom put his coat on and left.

- Il partit tôt le matin de chez lui de manière à ne pas manquer le train.
- Il partit tôt le matin de chez moi de manière à ne pas manquer le train.
- Il partit tôt le matin de chez nous de manière à ne pas manquer le train.

He left home early in the morning so he wouldn't miss the train.