Translation of "Craignait" in English

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Craignait" in a sentence and their english translations:

Il craignait la femme.

He was afraid of the woman.

Enfant, Tobi craignait parfois que

As a child, Tobi sometimes worried that

Il craignait de la blesser.

He was afraid of hurting her.

Elle craignait de le blesser.

She was afraid of hurting him.

Elle craignait de prendre froid.

She was afraid to catch a cold.

Sami craignait pour sa vie.

Sami was in fear for his life.

Elle craignait de réveiller le bébé.

She was afraid of waking the baby.

Il ne craignait pas la mort.

He didn't fear death.

Il craignait de blesser ses sentiments.

He was afraid of hurting her feelings.

Tom craignait de retourner chez lui.

Tom was afraid to go back home.

Il craignait qu'il puisse blesser ses sentiments.

He was afraid that he might hurt her feelings.

En tant que Reichsführer-SS, Heinrich Himmler craignait

As Reichsführer-SS, Heinrich Himmler feared

La police craignait que des personnes aient été asservies

The police were worried that people may be enslaved

Ma mère craignait les chenilles, sans parler des serpents.

My mother disliked caterpillars, not to mention snakes.

Il craignait de devoir passer la Noël à l'hôpital.

He dreaded having to spend Christmas in hospital.

Une mère enceinte que je connais craignait sa fête prénatale.

An expectant mother I know was dreading her baby shower.

Troisièmement, Saadi Sharifs craignait, ce qu'ils appelaient, le «péril turc».

Third, Saadi sharifs feared, what they called, the “Turkish peril”.

Elle ne craignait pas sa menace. « J'y survivrai. », dit-elle avec détachement.

Their threats don't scare her. "I will survive", she said indifferently.

Khalid craignait maintenant un assaut byzantin général le long de toute la ligne.

Khalid now feared a general Byzantine assault along the entire line.

- Il ne craignait pas la mort.
- Il n'a pas peur de la mort.

- He didn't fear death.
- He isn't afraid of death.

Mais maintenant Pitt craignait que les conquêtes de Napoléon ait rendu la France trop puissante. L'Empereur

But now Pitt feared Napoleon’s conquests had made France too powerful – the French

" L'arrêt fut applaudi : ce qu'il craignait pour soi, / chacun avec plaisir le vit tomber sur moi. "

"All praised the sentence, pleased that one alone / should suffer, glad that one poor wretch should bear / the doom that each had dreaded for his own."

- Il avait peur de devoir passer Noël à l'hôpital.
- Il craignait de devoir passer la Noël à l'hôpital.

- He dreaded having to spend Christmas in hospital.
- He dreaded having to spend Christmas in the hospital.