Translation of "Successive" in Spanish

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Successive" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Well, most people would think, it's successive even numbers.

La mayoría de la gente determinaría que se trata de números pares sucesivos.

Well, you'd propose other sets of successive even numbers:

Se propone otro grupo de números pares sucesivos:

- It rained five successive days.
- It rained five days in a row.

Estuvo lloviendo cinco días seguidos.

Have there been several successive souls in me, or am I one unconscious being?

¿Ha habido varias almas sucesivas en mí o soy un solo ser inconsciente?

Its design will force any attacker to overcome successive layers of strong defence to reach

Su diseño obligará a cualquier atacante a superar sucesivas capas de fuerte defensa para llegar

Afterwards, because it was sanctioned by many of the successive dynasties Buddhism became widespread and had a tremendous impact on the development of Chinese thought, culture and art.

Después, debido a que las sucesivas dinastías budistas la sancionaron, se generalizó y tuvo un tremendo impacto en el desarrollo del pensamiento, la cultura y el arte chinos.