Translation of "Demons" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Demons" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Angels and demons,

ángeles y demonios,

You are the demons.

Ustedes son los demonios.

They thought they were possessed by demons.

se las consideraba poseídas por demonios.

I'm standing up, I'm a face my demons

Me levanto y enfrento mis demonios

All gods and demons that ruled over our lives

todos los dioses y demonios que gobernaban nuestras vidas

And fighting back against my own demons seems impossible.

y luchar contra mis demonios resulta imposible.

And don't feed them, the demons will go away.

sin comida, los demonios desaparecían.

It's hard to see the demons that haunt her.

Es difícil ver a los demonios que la persiguen.

Angels have pairs of wings, and demons have tails.

El ángel tiene dos alas, el maldito tiene cola.

My demons were telling me that I wasn't good enough,

Mis demonios me decían que no era suficientemente buena,

There are angels and supernatural forces and demons in it.

Hay ángeles y fuerzas sobrenaturales y demonios en él.

"Sometimes, you have to confront, you have to confront your demons.

"a veces tienes que confrontar a tus demonios,

But my inner demons were eating me up from the inside.

Pero mis demonios interiores me comían desde el interior.

The demons came out all at once to capture their prey

Todos los demonios salieron a atrapar una presa.

The Europeans hired an exorcist to cleanse their continent of demons.

Los europeos contrataron a un exorcista para limpiar su continente de demonios.

We should fight to defend ourselves against our own personal inner demons.

deberíamos protegernos de nosotros mismos, de nuestros demonios.

My self worth had been beaten down so badly by my insecure inner demons

mi autoestima estaba tan machacada por mis inseguros demonios internos

But this time, my inner demons were pushing me to go on the defensive.

En ese momento, mis demonios me decían que me pusiese a la defensiva.

I have my gun ready for the next time church demons come banging on my door asking for donations.

Tengo mi pistola preparada para la próxima vez que los demonios de la iglesia vengan con las manos abiertas a tumbarme la puerta.