Translation of "Possessed" in Spanish

0.020 sec.

Examples of using "Possessed" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

She's possessed.

Ella está poseída.

He's possessed by a strange idea.

Está poseído por una idea extraña.

She is possessed by a devil.

Ella está poseída por el demonio.

They thought they were possessed by demons.

se las consideraba poseídas por demonios.

He is possessed by an unusual idea.

Él está obsesionado por una extraña idea.

The flute the musician possessed was enchanted.

La flauta que el músico poseía estaba hechizada.

He possessed a large house and two cars.

Él tenía una casa grande y dos autos.

Some ultrahealthy human who possessed not a single flaw

una humana ultrasana sin un solo defecto

She seems to be possessed by an evil spirit.

Ella parece poseída por un espíritu maligno.

As a kid I was possessed by a ghost.

Cuando pequeño me poseyó un fantasma.

Tom thinks that his computer is possessed by an evil spirit.

Tom piensa que su computador está poseído por un espíritu maligno.

He is possessed with the ambition to rule over the world.

Él está poseído por la ambición de gobernar el mundo.

My wife is possessed with the desire to buy a house.

Mi esposa está consumida por el deseo de comprar una casa.

- My uncle is possessed of great wealth.
- My uncle possesses great wealth.

Mi tío tiene una riqueza considerable.

Napoleon also discovered that his chief of staff  possessed immense personal qualities – a heroic  

Napoleón también descubrió que su jefe de personal poseía inmensas cualidades personales: una capacidad

The person who wrote that book is possessed of both humour and wit, isn't he?

- Quien escribió ese libro posee tanto humor como ingenio, ¿verdad?
- La persona que escribió ese libro posee tanto humor como ingenio, ¿verdad?

But although NASA now possessed the knowledge and technology to land on the Moon, it would

Pero aunque la NASA ahora poseía el conocimiento y la tecnología para aterrizar en la Luna,

And Pharaoh sent to see; and there was not any thing dead of that which Israel possessed. And Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he did not let the people go.

El faraón mandó averiguar y, efectivamente, del ganado de Israel no había muerto ni una res. Sin embargo, el faraón se obstinó y no dejó salir al pueblo.

Let fear and dread fall upon them, in the greatness of thy arm: let them become immoveable as a stone, until thy people, O Lord, pass by: until this thy people pass by, which thou hast possessed.

Pavor y espanto cayeron sobre ellos. Bajo la fuerza de tus brazos enmudecieron como piedras, hasta que pasó tu pueblo, Yahvé, hasta que pasó el pueblo que adquiriste.