Translation of "Back" in Spanish

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "Back" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- Back off.
- Back off!

- Apártate.
- Retrocede.

- Look back!
- Look back.

¡Mira hacia atrás!

- Stand back!
- Stand back.


- Welcome back.
- Welcome back!

Bienvenido de vuelta.

- Step back.
- Back off.


- They're back.
- They came back.
- They've come back.

- Ellos han vuelto.
- Ellas han regresado.
- Ellos están de regreso.
- Volvieron.
- Regresaron.

- Hurry back.
- Come back now.
- Come back immediately.
- Come back right now.

Inmediatamente regresa.

Okay, back up, back up!

De acuerdo, ¡retrocedan!

Okay. Back up! Back up!

De acuerdo, ¡retrocedan!

- I'm back.
- I'm coming back.

- Volví.
- Voy de vuelta.

- Let's come back.
- We'll be back.
- We'll come back.


- You're back.
- You came back.
- You got back home.

Has vuelto.

- Let's turn back.
- Let's go back.


- Let's turn back.
- Let's come back.

- Volvamos.
- Volveremos.

- Get back here.
- Get back here!

- Vuelve aquí.
- Regresa.
- Vuelva aquí.

- Come back here.
- Come back here!

Vuelve aquí.

- Give it back!
- Give it back.


- I'm going back.
- I'm coming back.

- Voy de regreso.
- Voy de vuelta.

- Go back, Satan!
- Step back, Satan!

- ¡Atrás, Satanás!
- ¡Retrocede, Satán!

- Come back.
- Just get back here.

- Limítate a volver aquí.
- Simplemente vuelve aquí.
- Vuelve.

- I'll come back.
- I'll be back.


- Get back here.
- Come back here.

Vuelve aquí.

- Stand back, please.
- Please step back.

Por favor, retroceda.

- Go back home.
- Go back home!

Devuélvete a la casa.

- Come back soon.
- Come back soon!

- Regresa pronto.
- Vuelve pronto.

- My back hurts.
- My back aches.

Me duele la espalda.

- Let's come back.
- Let's go back.


Welcome back.

Bienvenidos de nuevo.

Step back.

Da un paso atrás.

Come back.


We're back.

- Hemos vuelto.
- Ya estamos aquí.
- Estamos de vuelta.
- Hemos regresado.

They're back.

- Ellas están de vuelta.
- Ellos están de regreso.

I'm back.

- Ya estoy de vuelta.
- He vuelto.
- Estoy de vuelta.

Hurry back.

Vuelve pronto.

You're back.

- Estás de vuelta.
- Estás de regreso.
- Ya estás aquí.
- Ya has vuelto.

Look back!

¡Mira hacia atrás!

Call back.

Vuelva a llamar.

Stay back.

- Quedaos atrás.
- Manteneos atrás.
- Permaneced atrás.

Get back!


- It will grow back.
- It'll grow back.

Volverá a crecer.

- Did Tom come back?
- Is Tom back?

¿Volvió Tom?

- Look back!
- Look behind you!
- Look back.

¡Mira hacia atrás!

- Come back, OK?
- Come on back, OK?

¡Anda, regresa!

- I'm going back.
- I am going back.

Voy de regreso.

- He will come back.
- It'll be back.


- Never come back.
- Don't come back again.

No vuelvas nunca más.

back without giving you back the product,

volver sin devolverte el producto,

- I'll come back.
- I'll be back.
- I will return.
- I'll go back.


- I will be back soon.
- I'll be back soon.
- I'll come back soon.
- I'll be back right away.

- Volveré pronto.
- Vuelvo en seguida.
- Yo regresaré pronto.

- I'll come back later.
- I will be back late.
- I'll be back late.

Volveré más tarde.

- I will be back soon.
- I'll be right back.
- I'll be back shortly.

- Volveré en seguida.
- Vuelvo en seguida.

- I will be back soon.
- I'll be back in a wink.
- I'll be right back.
- I'll come back soon.
- I'll be back right away.

- Volveré pronto.
- Volveré en seguida.
- Vuelvo en seguida.
- Yo regresaré pronto.

- He will be back soon.
- He will come back soon.
- He will soon come back.
- He'll be back soon.
- He will soon be back.

- Va a volver pronto.
- Volverá pronto.

- Come home.
- Come back home.
- Go back home.

Vuelve a casa.

- Go back to work.
- Get back to work!

- Vuelve al trabajo.
- ¡Volvé al trabajo!

- I'm giving it back.
- I'll give it back.

Lo devolveré.

- They won't come back.
- They're not coming back.

No van a volver.

- Tom won't come back.
- Tom won't be back.

Tom no volverá.

- Tom may be back.
- Tom may come back.

Tom puede volver.

- I'll be back later.
- I'll come back later.

Volveré más tarde.

I've got your back, you've got my back.

Yo te cuido la espalda y tú a mí.

- Go back home.
- Go home.
- Go back home!

Vete a casa.

- Get off my back.
- Get off my back!

Deja de molestarme.

- I'll be back soon.
- I'll be back later.

Volveré luego.

- Come back tomorrow.
- Come back in a day.

Vuelve mañana.

- Don't be long.
- Come back soon.
- Hurry back.

Regresa enseguida.

- Get back to work.
- Get back to work!

¡Volvé al trabajo!

- I'm back.
- I have returned.
- I came back.

He vuelto.

- I'll ring you back.
- I'll call you back.

Te vuelvo a llamar.

- Is he back already?
- Is he back yet?

¿Él ya volvió?

back the product to get their money back.

respalde el producto para recuperar su dinero.

- I'll be back soon.
- I'll come back soon.
- I'll be back in a jiffy.
- I'll be back right away.

Vuelvo en seguida.

- I'm not going back.
- I'm not coming back.
- I won't return.
- I won't go back.
- I won't come back.

No voy a volver.

- I will be back soon.
- I'll be back soon.
- I'll be back in a wink.
- I'll be right back.
- I'll be back in a jiffy.
- I'll be back right away.

- Volveré pronto.
- Volveré.
- Volveré en seguida.
- Vuelvo en seguida.
- Regresaré enseguidita.
- Volveré enseguidita.
- Volveré rápido.

- Get your ass back to work.
- Get back to work.
- Go back to work.

Trae tu trasero de vuelta a trabajar.