Translation of "Contingent" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Contingent" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

His success is contingent upon his efforts.

Su éxito depende de su esfuerzo

And then the noose begins to tighten around the Roman contingent.

Y luego el nudo empieza a cerrarse alrededor del contingente romano.

This left Hannibal's cavalry contingent greatly weakened for the upcoming battle against Flaminius.

Esto deja al contingente de caballeria de Hannibal fuertemente debilitado para la batalla venidera contra Flaminius.

Immediately, the King's brother, Duke Coloman, takes a mounted contingent and rushes towards

Inmediatamente, el hermano del rey, el duque Coloman se lleva un contingente montado y se apresura hacia

He leaves a small contingent of infantry and crossbowmen to guard the bridge,

Él deja un pequeño contingente de infantería y arqueros para custodiar el puente,

All told, Scipio deployed approximately 12 legions at Thapsus, including a strong contingent

En total, Scipio desplegó aproximadamente 12 legiones en Thapsus, incluido un fuerte contingente

As the Mongol army crossed the river Jordan they were surprised by Baibars’ contingent.

Mientras el ejército mongol cruzaba el río Jordania los sorprendió el contingente de Baibars

Baibars personally led his contingent from the front, urging his men to defend their

Baibars lidero personalmente a su contingente desde el frente, ¡instando a sus hombres a defender a su

Mihai receives reports that an Ottoman contingent is attempting an encirclement from the south.

Mihai recibe reportes de que un contingente otomano está intentando rodear desde el sur.

Soon after, a 10,000-strong Ottoman contingent enters Wallachia to collect the tribute and

Poco tiempo después, un contingente otomano de 10,000 entra a Valaquia para colectar el tributo y a

To the east, the Dauphin�s contingent joins up with the main French army.

Al este, el contingente del delfín se une con el ejército francés principal.

On their left flank Marshal Macdonald led Tenth Corps, with a large Prussian contingent…

En el flanco izquierdo, el Mariscal Macdonald lideraba el 10° Cuerpo, con un gran contingente prusiano;

He planned to flank the Roman contingent through a very narrow passage that was now left unguarded.

Planeaba flanquear al contingente romano a través de Un pasaje muy estrecho que ahora quedaba sin vigilancia.