Translation of "Allowing" in Spanish

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Allowing" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

I'm allowing you to go.

Te autorizo a irte.

allowing ourselves to be inspired

dejándonos inspirar

allowing them to serve more people

permitiéndoles servir a más gente

Was not allowing me to grow and heal.

no me estaba permitiendo crecer y recuperarme.

allowing it to pinpoint its prey with deadly accuracy.

lo que le permite identificar a su presa con precisión mortal.

Fabius had been humiliated for allowing his enemy to escape.

Fabio había sido humillado por permitir que su enemigo para escapar.

Its mission: get finally an integration allowing the free movement of goods,

Su misión: conseguir por fin una integración que permita la libre circulación de mercancías,

Direct marketing is a means of allowing people to shop from home.

Las ventas directas es un método con el cual la gente puede comprar desde su casa.

allowing Napoleon to mow down the mob  with a famous ‘whiff of grapeshot’.

permitiendo que Napoleón acabara con la turba con un famoso 'olor a metralla'.

Modesty is the art of allowing others to discover how important you are.

La modestia es el arte de dejar a los demás descubrir cuán importante eres.

I think it's time for me to stop allowing her to always have her own way.

Creo que es hora de dejar de permitirle que se salga siempre con la suya.

Allowing robots to take their own decisions can be dangerous, because they can turn against their owner.

Permitir que los robots tomen sus propias decisiones puede ser peligroso, ya que pueden ponerse en contra de su dueño.

My neck hurts so much that I want to chop my head off and place it on a bed allowing it to rest.

Mi cuello duele tanto que me quiero decapitar y colocar mi cabeza encima de una cama para permitir que mi cuello reposa.