Translation of "Humiliated" in Spanish

0.955 sec.

Examples of using "Humiliated" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

He humiliated her.

Él la humilló.

Tom felt humiliated.

Tom se sintió humillado.

Tom was humiliated.

Tom fue humillado.

He felt utterly humiliated.

Él se sintió totalmente humillado.

Don't you feel humiliated?

¿No te sientes humillado?

She failed and felt humiliated.

Ella fracasó y se sintió humillada.

He was humiliated by her.

Ella le humilló.

Tom was humiliated by Mary.

Mary humilló a Tom.

I was humiliated in public.

Fui humillada en público.

She was humiliated by him.

Él la humilló.

I think Tom was humiliated.

Creo que Tomás estaba avergonzado.

I felt always intimidated and humiliated.

Me sentía siempre intimidada y humillada.

To lose face means to be humiliated.

Perder la cara significa ser humillado.

He humiliated him in front of people.

Le humilló delante de la gente.

Infuriated and humiliated Bosie's father, Lord Queensburry -

enfureció y humilló al padre de Bosie, Lord Queensburry,

I was never so humiliated in my life.

Nunca he sido tan humillada en mi vida.

Sami has humiliated Layla in front of everyone.

Sami ha humillado a Layla delante de todo el mundo.

Humiliated, in pain and helpless, I went back home.

Humillada, dolorida, y sin ayuda, volví a casa.

She felt so humiliated that she couldn't say anything.

Ella se sintió tan humillada que no podía decir ninguna cosa.

Fabius had been humiliated for allowing his enemy to escape.

Fabio había sido humillado por permitir que su enemigo para escapar.

The boy was not humiliated by the laughter of his classmates.

El niño no estaba humillado por la risa de sus compañeros.

Victor was relieved of command. But angry  and humiliated at what he considered  

Víctor fue relevado del mando. Pero enojado y humillado por lo que consideraba