Translation of "Had" in Spanish

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Had" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

had an atmosphere, had water

tenía una atmósfera, tenía agua

- I have had it.
- I've had enough.
- I've had it.

Yo lo he tenido.

had a story, had a purpose.

una historia y un propósito.

They had had that problem before.

Ya habían tenido ese problema antes.

One had 5, the other had 100,

Uno tenía cinco y otro tenía cien.

I had never had a bad review,

Nunca tuve una crítica negativa,

They had started earlier than we had.

- Ellos habían empezado más temprano que nosotros.
- Ellos habían empezado antes que nosotros.

- We've had enough.
- We have had enough.

Hemos tenido suficiente.

That had either had no exposure to cocaine

que no estuvieron expuestos a la cocaína

The roof had collapsed. The ceilings had collapsed.

El techo se había derrumbado. Los techos se habían derrumbado.

- Have you had dinner?
- Have you had tea?

¿Has cenado ya?

Tom had told the sailors what had happened.

Tom les había dicho a los marineros lo que había ocurrido.

- He had grey hair.
- He had gray hair.

- Tenía gris el pelo de la cabeza.
- Tenía el pelo gris.
- Tenía el pelo blanco.

- He had grey hair.
- I had gray hair.

Tenía el pelo gris.

- She had a radio.
- He had a radio.

Ella tenía una radio.

- He had no money.
- She had no money.

Ella no tenía dinero.

- Tom had a weapon.
- Tom had a gun.

Tom tenía un arma.

I wish I had had a camera then.

Ojalá hubiera tenido una cámara entonces.

- I had something planned.
- I had planned something.

Yo había planeado algo.

had some meaning,

algún sentido,

I had to.

y lo hice

If I had...

Si tuviera...

had multiplied again

se había multiplicado de nuevo

had already said

ya había dicho

Work had begun

El trabajo había comenzado

They'd had enough.

Tenían ya suficiente.

I've had enough!

- He tenido suficiente.
- Suficiente.
- Tuve suficiente.
- Ya estoy podrido.
- Ya estoy harto.

You've been had.

Te han engañado.

He had ambition.

Era muy ambicioso.

You had read.

Habías leído.

It had snowed.

Había nevado.

She had twins.

Ella tuvo gemelos.

Tom had appendicitis.

Tom tuvo apendicitis.

He had nightmares.

Tuvo pesadillas.

She had nightmares.

Tuvo pesadillas.

Nothing had moved.

Nada se ha movido.

I had breakfast.


He had breakfast.

Él desayunó.

Tom had breakfast.

Tom desayunó.

They had fun.

Se divirtieron.

We had breakfast.


We had fun.

- Nos divertimos.
- Lo pasamos bien.

We had lunch.


I had doubts.

Yo tenía dudas.

Tom had nothing.

Tom no tenía nada.

They had strokes.

Ellos tuvieron golpes.

I've had enough.

- Suficiente.
- Ya es suficiente.

Sami had issues.

Sami tuvo problemas.

Sami had rollerblades.

Sami tenía patines.

Mary had fun.

- Mary se divirtió.
- Mary se lo pasó bien.

I had it.

Lo tenía.

Mary had twins.

María tuvo gemelos.

We had one.

Teníamos uno.

They had breakfast.


I've had many.

He tenido muchos.

But I had no recollection of what had happened.

pero no me acordaba qué.

And I had no day; I only had night.

Yo no tenía día. Yo solo tenía noche.

- They had no food.
- They had nothing to eat.

No tenían nada que comer.

- I've had coffee already.
- I've already had a coffee.

- Ya me había tomado un café.
- Ya había tomado café.
- Ya había bebido café.
- Ya tomé café.

- I have just had dinner.
- I've just had dinner.

Acabo de cenar.

- Tom had nothing to eat.
- Tom had no food.

Tom no tenía nada para comer.

- I just had an accident.
- I had an accident.

Sufrí un accidente.

Bob had had many dangerous adventures during the war.

Durante la guerra, Bob vivió muchas aventuras peligrosas.

- We had an early lunch.
- We had lunch early.

Almorzamos temprano.

If he had had time, he would have gone.

Si él hubiera tenido tiempo, habría ido.

- I had to resign.
- I had to give up.

Tuve que renunciar.

That was the worst job Yanni had ever had.

Ese fue el peor trabajo que Yanni ha tenido nunca.

- I had my watch mended.
- I had my watch fixed.
- I had my watch repaired.

Mandé mi reloj a arreglar.

I had had a dorm room business, I'd had to shut it down in the bust,

yo tenía un negocio universitario, el cual tuve que cerrar debido al colapso

- We had no water to drink.
- We had no drinking water.
- We had no potable water.

No teníamos agua potable.

- Everybody had a good year.
- Everyone had a good year.

Todos tuvieron un buen año.

The flood was the greatest disaster they had ever had.

La inundación fue la peor catástrofe que jamás hayan tenido.

- He's had many bad experiences.
- He's had many unhappy experiences.

Él ha tenido muchas experiencias desdichadas.

He told them that he had had a wonderful time.

- Él les dijo a ellos que la pasó estupendo.
- Él les dijo que se lo había pasado muy bien.

- I had a brilliant idea.
- I've had a brilliant idea.

Tuve una brillante idea.

- Tom had open heart surgery.
- Tom had open-heart surgery.

Tom tuvo una operación a corazón abierto.

- She had reached her goal.
- She had achieved her objective.

Ella había conseguido su objetivo.

- My aunt had three kids.
- My aunt had three children.

Mi tía tenía tres hijos.

Flora was a housekeeper they had had for twelve years.

Flora fue una criada que habían tenido durante doce años.

I had had my watch repaired, but it broke again.

Había reparado mi reloj, pero se rompió de nuevo.

We had less snow this winter than we had expected.

Este invierno hemos tenido menos nieve de lo que esperábamos.