Translation of "Abrupt" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Abrupt" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Don't make abrupt moves.

No hagas movimientos bruscos.

He made an abrupt departure.

Él hizo una abrupta partida.

- The elevator came to an abrupt halt.
- The lift came to an abrupt halt.

El ascensor se detuvo súbitamente.

The car made an abrupt turn.

El auto dio una vuelta abrupta.

The bus came to an abrupt stop.

El bus se detuvo súbitamente.

He's abrupt in his way of speaking.

Es brusco en su manera de hablar.

Another winter and the Ge The story of Lomnitz comes to an abrupt end.

Otro invierno y el Ge La historia de Lomnitz llega a un final abrupto.