Translation of "Departure" in Spanish

0.386 sec.

Examples of using "Departure" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Your departure devastated me.

Tu partida me devastó.

He made an abrupt departure.

Él hizo una abrupta partida.

When is the next departure?

¿Cuándo es la próxima salida?

- Tom put off his departure till Sunday.
- Tom postponed his departure till Sunday.

Tom pospuso su salida hasta el domingo.

- Tom decided to postpone his departure.
- Tom has decided to put off his departure.

Tom decidió posponer su salida.

He prepared for his imminent departure.

Se preparó para su inminente partida.

He decided to postpone his departure.

Él decidió posponer su partida.

I heard news of his departure.

Escuché noticias de su partida.

The train's departure will be delayed.

El tren saldrá con retraso.

He advanced his departure by two days.

Él adelantó su partida dos días.

He has postponed his departure until tomorrow.

Pospuso su salida a mañana.

- We put off our departure owing to the storm.
- We postponed our departure because of the storm.

Pospusimos nuestra salida a causa de la tormenta.

His departure from the situation, too, is total.

sale asimismo completamente de la situación.

We are worried because of his unexpected departure.

Estamos preocupados por su inesperada partida.

We postponed our departure because of the storm.

Pospusimos nuestra salida a causa de la tormenta.

The pilots ordered the tug 30 minutes before departure.

Los pilotos ordenaron el remolcador 30 minutos antes de la salida,

I will put off my departure if it rains.

Si llueve pospondré mi partida.

We put off our departure because of the rain.

Pospusimos nuestra salida por la lluvia.

The heavy snow made them put off their departure.

La fuerte nevada les hizo posponer su partida.

The heavy rain compelled us to put off our departure.

La fuerte lluvia nos obligó a posponer nuestra salida.

That time table gives the hours of arrival and departure.

Ese horario marca las horas de llegada y salida.

His departure means that there will be peace in the house.

Su partida significa que habrá paz en la casa.

You have to put off your departure for England till next week.

Tienes que posponer tu salida a Inglaterra hasta la próxima semana.

It was raining so hard that we had to put off our departure.

Llovía tanto que tuvimos que aplazar la salida.

Because of the bad weather, the plane's departure was delayed by two hours.

Debido al mal tiempo, la salida del avión se retrasó dos horas.

The Black Prince�s planned July departure is postponed due to logistical problems, but

La partida en julio del príncipe negro se pospone debido a problemas de logística,

Every day I learned something about the planet, about the departure, about the journey.

Todos los días aprendí algo sobre el planeta, sobre la partida, sobre el viaje.

The departure of Caesar during that night marked the end of his first invasion of Britain.

La partida de Caesar durante esa noche marcó el fin de su primera invasión a Bretaña.

We have one hour left until the train's departure, don't you want to drop by the bookstore?

Nos queda una hora antes de la salida del tren. ¿Te apetece pasar por la librería?

In the third month of the departure of Israel out of the land of Egypt, on this day they came into the wilderness of Sinai.

Al tercer mes de la salida del país de Egipto, ese mismo día, los israelitas llegaron al desierto de Sinaí.