Translation of "Whales" in Portuguese

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Whales" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

whales shoot ashore

baleias disparam em terra

Whales are mammals.

Baleias são mamíferos.

What do whales eat?

O que as baleias comem?

Whales don't have gills.

As baleias não possuem brânquias.

Whales feed on small fish.

Baleias se alimentam de pequenos peixes.

I thought whales were fish.

Eu pensava, que baleias fossem peixes.

Dolphins and whales are not fish.

- Os delfins e as baleias não são peixes.
- Os golfinhos e as baleias não são peixes.

Neither whales nor dolphins have gills.

Nem os baleias nem os golfinhos possuem brânquias.

Whales are similar to fishes in shape.

Na forma, as baleias são parecidas com os peixes.

Whales are similar to fish in shape.

As baleias se parecem com os peixes na forma.

Whales feed on plankton and small fish.

As baleias se alimentam de plânctons e de pequenos peixes.

- A whale is a mammal.
- Whales are mammals.

Baleias são mamíferos.

Unless whales are protected, they will become extinct.

A não ser que as baleias sejam protegidas, elas serão extintas.

It is believed that whales have their own language.

Acredita-se que as baleias tenham a sua própria língua.

Whales are very large mammals that live in the ocean.

As baleias são mamíferos de grande porte que vivem no oceano.

Fish and even whales and seals feed on the krill.

Peixes e até baleias e focas se alimentam do krill.

There is a natural GPS we know in whales and bats

existe um GPS natural que conhecemos em baleias e morcegos

These incredible sounds of the humpback whales coming through the water.

Os sons incríveis das baleias-jubarte a atravessar a água.

A very large proportion of the reason why many whales hit the land

uma proporção muito grande da razão pela qual muitas baleias atingem a terra

The Japanese fishing fleet catches more than 1000 whales per year on the pretext of scientific research.

Os baleeiros japoneses capturam mais de 1000 baleias por ano sob o pretexto de pesquisas científicas.

- The whale is a very large mammal which lives in the sea.
- Whales are very large mammals that live in the ocean.
- The whale is a very large mammal who lives in the sea.
- The whale is a very large mammal that lives in the sea.
- Whales are very large mammals that live in the sea.

A baleia é um gigantesco mamífero que vive no mar.

And God created the great whales, and every living and moving creature, which the waters brought forth, according to their kinds, and every winged fowl according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

Assim Deus criou os grandes animais aquáticos e todas as espécies de seres vivos que em grande quantidade se movem nas águas, e criou também todas as espécies de aves. E Deus viu que o que havia feito era bom.