Translation of "Watery" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Watery" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

The stew I made was too watery.

O meu estufado ficou meio ensopado.

The sun's eclipses and the changing moons, / whence man and beast, whence lightning and the rain, / Arcturus, watery Hyads and the Wain; / what causes make the winter nights so long, / why sinks the sun so quickly in the main.

Canta as fases da Lua, os eclipses do Sol; / da raça humana a origem, de animais, / dos raios e da chuva; canta Arcturo, / as Híades imbríferas e as duas / Ursas; diz a razão de o sol de inverno / ter pressa de imergir nas águas do oceano, / e a de a noite estival chegar tão tarde.

So, when the tempest bursting wakes the war, / the justling winds in conflict rave and roar, / South, West and East upon his orient car, / the lashed woods howl, and with his trident hoar / Nereus in foam upheaves the watery floor.

Tal o embate dos ventos na tormenta / desencadeada: o Noto, o Zéfiro e, exultante, / o Euro, puxado por corcéis da Aurora; / ruge açoitada a mata e Nereu, numa nuvem / de espuma, se embravece e, brandindo o tridente, / desde a mor profundeza agita o mar.

"O son of Tydeus, bravest of the race, / why could not I have perished, too, that day / beneath thine arm, and breathed this soul away / far on the plains of Troy, where Hector brave / lay, pierced by fierce AEacide, where lay / giant Sarpedon, and swift Simois' wave / rolls heroes, helms and shields, whelmed in one watery grave?"

"Ó filho de Tideu, / ó tu, que és o mais bravo dentre os Gregos! / Pensar agora que morrer não pude / nos pátrios campos de batalha, sob os golpes / de teu potente ataque; onde o valente Heitor / jaz abatido por certeiro dardo / do neto de Éaco; lá, onde tombou / o gigante Sarpédon, e onde o Símois, / pela corrente arrebatados, rola ainda / tantos escudos, capacetes, corpos / de robustos guerreiros imolados!”

- They press down upon the sea and stir it up from the lowest depths, East and South and Southwest winds as one, thick with tempests, they roll the vast waves to the shores. There follows the shouting of men and the shrieking of ropes.
- East, West and squally South-west, with a roar, / swoop down on Ocean, and the surf and sand / mix in dark eddies, and the watery floor / heave from its depths, and roll huge billows to the shore. / Then come the creak of cables and the cries / of seamen.

Investem pelo mar ao mesmo tempo, / e todo o agitam desde as profundezas, / Euro, Noto, Áfrico e sua corte de procelas, / arremessando imensas vagas para as praias. / Levanta-se o clamor dos navegantes. / O cordame estridula.