Translation of "Sunk" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Sunk" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

The boat sunk and everyone died.

O barco afundou e todos morreram.

The Titanic sunk on its maiden voyage.

O Titanic afundou em sua viagem inaugural.

Because since Nicolás Maduro came to power, production has sunk to 1.8 million barrels.

Porque desde que Nicolás Maduro chegou ao poder, a produção afundou para 1,8 milhões de barris.

The depths have covered them, they are sunk to the bottom like a stone.

Pelas ondas do abismo foram tragados; qual pesada pedra mergulharam nas profundezas.

Thy wind blew and the sea covered them: they sunk as lead in the mighty waters.

O teu vento soprou e o mar os recobriu; afundaram qual chumbo nas águas bravias.

We, sunk in careless joy, / poor souls! with festive garlands deck each fane, / and through the town in revelry employ / the day decreed our last, the dying hours of Troy!

E nós, simplórios condenados, nesse dia, / que para nós seria o derradeiro, / pela cidade andávamos tranquilos, / engrinaldando os templos para festa.