Translation of "Lifting" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Lifting" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

He hurt his arm lifting so much weight.

Ele machucou seu braço levantando tanto peso.

And having watered the flock, he kissed her: and lifting up his voice wept.

Depois Jacó beijou Raquel e começou a chorar, em soluços.

Got to be a bit careful lifting it with your fingers in case anything just like scurries out fast.

Temos de ter cuidado ao levantar isto com os dedos, caso algo passe a correr.

The croissant is not French but Austrian. It was created by a Viennese pastry cook to celebrate the lifting of the siege of Vienna by the Ottomans.

O croissant não é francês, mas austríaco. Foi criado por um pasteleiro vienense para celebrar o levantamento do cerco de Viena pelos otomanos.

And Jacob lifting up his eyes, saw Esau coming, and with him four hundred men: and he divided the children of Lia and of Rachel, and of the two handmaids.

Quando Jacó viu que Esaú vinha chegando com os seus quatrocentos homens, separou os filhos de Lia, de Raquel e das duas escravas.

"But, lifting features marvellously pale, / the ghost unburied in her dreams laid bare / his breast, and showed the altar and the bale / wrought by the ruthless steel, and solved the crime's dark tale."

"Mas em sonho aparece a Dido a imagem / do marido insepulto; erguendo um rosto / estranhamente pálido, ele fala / do ensanguentado altar e expõe o peito / apunhalado, revelando com detalhes / aquele crime, que sua casa desconhece".

And Moses and Aaron did as the Lord had commanded: and lifting up the rod, he struck the water of the river before Pharaoh and his servants: and it was turned into blood.

Moisés e Aarão fizeram conforme o Senhor lhes tinha mandado. À vista do faraó e de seus ministros, Aarão ergueu o bastão e feriu as águas do Nilo, e toda a água do rio virou sangue.

And lifting on the shore / his hands, Anchises doth the gods adore. / "O Heaven!" he cries, "avert these threats; be kind / and stay the curse, and vex with plagues no more / a pious folk."

Em atitude suplicante, Anquises, / na praia oferecendo sacrifícios / adequados, invoca as grandes divindades: / “Ó deuses, impedi que se cumpra essa ameaça! / Para longe afastai tal desventura, ó deuses! / Atendei-nos, poupai esta gente piedosa!”

And Joseph lifting up his eyes, saw Benjamin, his brother by the same mother, and said: Is this your young brother, of whom you told me? And he said: God be gracious to thee, my son.

José olhou em volta e, quando viu Benjamin, seu irmão germano, perguntou: "É este o vosso irmão mais moço, de quem me falastes?" E, dirigindo-se a ele, disse: "Que Deus te conceda muitas graças, meu filho!"

And lifting up his eyes, he saw the women and their children, and said: What mean these? And do they belong to thee? He answered: They are the children which God hath given to me, thy servant.

Quando Esaú olhou em volta e viu as mulheres e as crianças, perguntou: "Quem são estes que trazes contigo?" Jacó respondeu: "São os filhos que Deus, na sua bondade, deu a este teu criado".

And Lot lifting up his eyes saw all the country about the Jordan, which was watered throughout, before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, as the paradise of the Lord, and like Egypt as one comes to Segor.

Olhou então Ló e avistou todo o vale do Jordão, inteiramente irrigado. (Antes de o Senhor destruir Sodoma e Gomorra, o vale do Jordão, até a altura de Segor, era, como o Egito, qual um jardim do Senhor.)

And on the third day, lifting up his eyes, he saw the place afar off. And he said to his young men: Stay you here with the ass; I and the boy will go with speed as far as yonder, and after we have worshipped, will return to you.

No terceiro dia de viagem, Abraão avistou de longe o lugar e disse aos servos: Ficai aqui com o jumento, enquanto eu e o menino vamos até lá. Depois de adorarmos, voltaremos.

And when Pharaoh drew near, the children of Israel lifting up their eyes, saw the Egyptians behind them: and they feared exceedingly, and cried to the Lord. And they said to Moses: Perhaps there were no graves in Egypt, therefore thou hast brought us to die in the wilderness: why wouldst thou do this, to lead us out of Egypt?

Ao aproximar-se o faraó, os israelitas olharam e avistaram os egípcios, que marchavam na direção deles. Aterrorizados, clamaram ao Senhor. E disseram a Moisés: Foi por falta de túmulos no Egito que nos trouxeste para morrermos no deserto? Por que fizeste isto conosco, tirando-nos de lá?