Translation of "Could'st" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Could'st" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

"What, I to leave thee helpless, and to flee? / O father! could'st thou fancy it? Could e'er / a parent speak of such a crime to me?"

“Acreditaste mesmo, ó pai, que eu poderia / arredar pé daqui – disse eu – te abandonando? / Como foram capazes os teus lábios / paternos de ordenar impiedade tamanha?"

"But who are ye, pray answer? on what quest / come ye? and whence and whither are ye bound?" / Her then AEneas, from his inmost breast / heaving a deep-drawn sigh, with labouring speech addressed: / "O Goddess, should I from the first unfold, / or could'st thou hear, the annals of our woe, / eve's star were shining, ere the tale were told."

"Mas vós enfim quem sois, de onde é que vindes / e para onde estais indo?” A tais perguntas, / Eneias, suspirando e tendo a voz tocada / de profunda emoção, assim responde: / “Ó deusa, se eu tiver de relatar / desde o princípio as nossas desventuras, / e se vagar tiveres para ouvi-las, / Vésper do Olimpo as portas vai fechar, / findando o dia, antes que eu finde a história".