Translation of "Beside" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Beside" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Sit beside me.

Sente-se ao meu lado.

I'm right beside you.

Eu estou bem ao seu lado.

She knelt beside him.

Ela se ajoelhou ao seu lado.

I'm walking beside her.

Caminho junto a ela.

Tom sat beside Mary.

Tom sentou-se ao lado de Maria.

Tom sat beside me.

Tom sentou ao meu lado.

The girl sat beside me.

A garota se sentou ao meu lado.

I ate beside my friend.

Comi ao lado de meu amigo.

My friend is beside me.

- Meu amigo está do meu lado.
- Minha amiga está do meu lado.

I'm beside myself with joy.

Estou cheio de alegria.

Can I sit beside you?

Posso sentar-me junto a ti?

Tom sat down beside Mary.

- Tom sentou-se ao lado de Mary.
- Tom se sentou junto de Mary.
- Tom sentou do lado de Mary.

Fadil was absolutely beside himself.

Fadil estava absolutamente fora de si.

Maybe she was beside herself.

Acho que ela estava fora de si.

Tom wasn't sitting beside Mary.

Tom não estava sentado ao lado de Mary.

He was beside himself with grief.

Ele estava ficando louco com tanto sofrimento.

She seems short beside her sister.

Ela parece baixa ao lado da irmã.

She sat beside me in church.

Ela sentou-se perto de mim na igreja.

Wait beside the car for me!

Espere por mim atrás do carro!

Tom sat beside me in church.

Tom sentou-se ao meu lado na igreja.

There is a river beside the house.

Há um rio perto da casa.

The spoon beside the fork is dirty.

A colher ao lado do garfo está suja.

He realized that he was beside himself.

Ele percebeu que estava fora de si.

Nailing signs to every tree beside the road:

colocando cartazes em todas as árvores no caminho:

And I started noticing this guy beside me.

e comecei a perceber um cara ao meu lado.

Who is the pretty girl sitting beside Jack?

Quem é a linda garota sentada ao lado de Jack?

Who was at the party beside Jack and Mary?

Quem esteve na festa além de Jack e Maria?

Mary sat down beside me and kept me company.

Mary sentou-se ao meu lado e me fez companhia.

- She made him furious.
- He was beside himself on her account.

- Ela o deixou fora de si.
- Ela o tirou do sério.
- Ela o deixou muito enfurecido.

- She was beside herself with joy.
- She was overcome with happiness.

Ela estava transbordando de felicidade.

She knelt beside him and asked him what his name was.

Ela se ajoelhou ao seu lado e perguntou qual era o seu nome.

- Maybe she was out of her mind.
- Maybe she was beside herself.

Talvez ela estivesse fora de si.

Just beside their house is a shed where they’ve been shredding the leaves,

Ao lado das suas casa é um galpão aonde são triturados as folhas,

She told some jokes and sang some funny songs at a patient's beside.

Ela contou algumas piadas e cantou algumas canções engraçadas ao paciente ao lado.

- Tom sat next to Mary.
- Tom was sitting beside Mary.
- Tom was sitting next to Mary.

Tom estava sentado ao lado de Maria.

Come rest beside me. Night is coming to a close, and soon the sun will be returning.

Vem descansar ao meu lado. A noite está chegando ao fim e logo o sol estará voltando.

"Where does your father in law live?" "In the house which stands beside my brother in law's house."

Onde mora seu sogro? - Na casa que está situada junto da casa do meu cunhado.

And the children of Israel set forward from Ramesse to Socoth, being about six hundred thousand men on foot, beside children.

Os israelitas partiram a pé de Ramsés para Sucot. Eram mais ou menos seiscentos mil homens, sem contar as crianças.

Being away from her was unbearable torment, while being beside her, hugging her, kissing her, would mean to me reaching the seventh heaven.

Estar longe dela era um tormento insuportável, enquanto estar ao seu lado, abraçando-a, beijando-a, significava para mim chegar ao sétimo céu.

- I'm still by her house.
- I'm still next to her house.
- I'm still beside her house.
- I'm still on the side her house.

- Ainda estou do lado da casa dela.
- Ainda estou ao lado da casa dela.

- I'm still by his house.
- I'm still next to his house.
- I'm still beside his house.
- I'm still on the side his house.

- Ainda estou do lado da casa dele.
- Ainda estou ao lado da casa dele.

But lo! the serpents to Tritonia's seat / glide from their victim, till the shrine they gain, / and, coiled beside the goddess, at her feet, / behind her sheltering shield with gathered orbs retreat.

Agora os dois dragões serpeando fogem / para a parte mais alta do santuário / da severa Minerva, e aos pés da imagem, / sob o redondo escudo, se enrodilham.

O native land! O Ilion, now betrayed! / Blest home of deities, in war renowned! / Four times beside the very gate 'twas stayed; / four times within the womb the armour clashed and brayed.

Ó minha pátria, ó Ílio tão querida, / com todos os teus templos e teus deuses! / Ó gloriosas muralhas dos dardânios! / Quatro vezes à entrada se deteve / o cavalo e em seu bojo quatro vezes / armas entrechocando-se tiniram.

"When, musing sad and pensive, thou hast found / beside an oak-fringed river, on the shore, / a huge sow thirty-farrowed, and around, / milk-white as she, her litter, mark the ground, / that spot shall see thy promised town; for there / thy toils are ended, and thy rest is crowned."

"Ansioso e preocupado a caminhar, / encontrarás um dia enorme e branca porca / deitada à margem de remoto rio, / recém-parida, à sombra de azinheiras, / amamentando trinta brancos leitõezinhos. / Pois em tal sítio vais fundar tua cidade / e finalmente descansar de teus labores."

She sat beside the reapers, and they passed her parched grain. She ate, was satisfied, and left some of it. When she had risen up to glean, Boaz commanded his young men, saying, "Let her glean even among the sheaves, and don’t reproach her. Also pull out some for her from the bundles, and leave it. Let her glean, and don’t rebuke her."

Ela sentou-se ao lado dos segadores, e ele lhe ofereceu grão tostado; ela comeu até saciar-se e ainda lhe sobrou. Quando ela se levantou, para continuar respigando, Boaz ordenou aos criados: Ainda que ela respigue entre os feixes de espigas, não a molesteis! Antes arrancai dos vossos feixes algumas espigas, para que ela as apanhe, e não a repreendais!

- Saturn's daughter, fearing it, and remembering the protracted war which she had first waged at Troy on behalf of her beloved Argives -- the causes of her anger and her fierce grievances had still not died down in her soul.
- This feared she, mindful of the war beside / waged for her Argives on the Trojan plain; / nor even yet had from her memory died / the causes of her wrath, the pangs of wounded pride.

Satúrnia isso temia, e relembrava / a guerra que ela outrora promovera / contra Troia, em favor de seus queridos / argivos. Ela então ainda não tinha / esquecido os motivos de seu ódio, / de seus ressentimentos dolorosos.